Tuesday, July 31, 2018


"Don't you need an ID to buy Groceries?!" 
I didn't even bother trying to hide my groan as I turned back to the spoiled brat. "No." 
He glared at me, crossing his arms. "Are you sure?" 
"Well let's think. Which one of us goes out and buys groceries on a weekly basis and which one of us has a MAID to go do the task?" 
His eyes narrowed. "Are you patronizing me?" 
I rolled my eyes turning back for the entrance to the store. "Noooo, not at all." 

-Inspiration from a News Article

Monday, July 30, 2018


Ended up with a slight headache at work today because my brain was spiraling downwards in a bad way and every little thing was getting on my nerves.
But some food, a quick nap, and a little Excedrin helped to get rid of it. Woot!

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Me: So. We're writing this chapter in A's point of view okay.
Brain: Okay!
Me: *struggles to write* 
Brain: Uhmmm.
Me: *eye twitch* Ummm?
Brain: What if....we write from B's point of view?
Me: *groans* *tries it* *writes easily* *glares at brain* Why didn't you tell me this from the beginning!
Brain: Because you wanted to use A's point of view! 

Saturday, July 28, 2018


I paced back and forth in the living room, glancing down the hallway. "Just a minute." I mutter glancing at my watch. Ha. It had been a good ten minutes since she'd said that and from what I could hear of her half of the conversation, there seemed to be no visible end in sight. Quietly, I exhaled. Well. I'd waited as long as I could, but I was starving. Grabbing my keys, I pulled open the screen door, and slipped outside. As much as I'd wanted her to join me...I was starving. 
It looked like today it would be a dinner of one. 

-Inspiration from roomie conversation

Friday, July 27, 2018


The door opened slowly, the woman on the other side cautiously peering through the crack before she pushed the door open wide enough for her to stagger into the entryway, two cases of water in her arms. A little...further.
She dropped the cases on the floor, leaning one hand on the wall as she caught her breath. Those things weren't light, especially not after lugging them up four flights of stairs.
But. She slowly closed the door. At least she would have cases of water to hide under her bed. She would be able to stay hydrated without the others knowing. It was a way to survive.
She was good at that.

-Inspiration from seeing a friend lugging water. 

Thursday, July 26, 2018


Ended up with a slight headache at work today, I think just from not sleeping enough really. Plus the earpiece for the radio was a bit on the tight side today, so that caused faint irritation. *exhales* Thankfully it went away after some advil and a nap. ^^;; 

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Brain: *happily considering ideas for the story eight chapters down the road* 
Me: That's great and all. But like...how about we focus on the current chapter? 
Brain: *pouts* But that's not as fun! 
Me: But it's necessary if you want to get to the fun part!
Brain: *pouts harder* Fine. *still quietly considers ideas on the side* 
Me: *exhales* Good enough. 

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Me: We need to Write!!
Brain: YES!
Me: That's all we're going to do today. WRITE WRITE WRITE.
Brain: YES YES YES!!
Me: *gets home from work*
Brain: …..so relaxing sounds good yes?

Me: ...but I need to writ---
Brain: Relaxing it is !! :D 

Monday, July 23, 2018


Kinda getting tired of these headaches.
Pretty sure it's the contacts.
Not yet sure how to fix it.
Maybe make both prescriptions slightly stronger?
That....or stop stressing myself out. *exhales* 

Sunday, July 22, 2018

More Stress

Another day.
Another headache.
Contact issues still? possibly. It's once more circling around my right eye which is the contact I've been playing with.
That...or I'm just stressing myself out. *exhales* 
Because I'm trying to write a story under a deadline and it's going slower than I want it to. 

*shakes head* 
Note to self: Don't stress myself out after this writing project is done with. 

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Radio Talk

I ended up with another headache today.
I dunno for sure if it was triggered by putting my 'new' (old prescription) contact in to try out my sight with....
But it sure wasn't helped by the radios we use for work being pitched oddly in my ears today.
The voices weren't...as clear? Like they had more of a 'radio' tone to them. A higher yet softer pitch that made it difficult to hear half my coworkers, yet if the other half spoke then it was like I was getting yelled at in my ear. *shudders* It made it hard to stay relaxed and it sent me on edge for most of my shift. 

Friday, July 20, 2018

Me: Alright. We just need to finish this plot point and we can be done with this chapter!
Characters: What if.
Me: No.
Characters: We.
Me: Don't. Do. It. 
Characters: Go off on this completely random tangent?!!?
Me: Noooo!!! WHY??!?!

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Through the Night

It's been a little bit, like a month since I've had a headache bad enough that it stayed with me through the night, preventing restful sleep from happening. 
But that's what happened last night.
Stressed myself out enough apparently that I couldn't fully relax my muscles and therefore the headache stayed with me well into my work shift. *exhales*
Thankfully I managed to get rid of it soon after work ended after I got a hot meal. 
But now that evening is settling....it's coming back. Which probably means that my eyes are now tired from eye strain. Soooo. Hopefully taking out my contacts will help get rid of that ache. 

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Here we are again

Yah probably irritation.
Just not enough sleep, too much stress, and not enough back up that's caused this ache to form once more.
Though today it's behind my left eye instead of my right.
So that's a change up. 

*exhales* I just wish it would go away. 

Tuesday, July 17, 2018


I almost made it the entire day without a headache. Which is actually pretty amazing considering the stress I was under today at work.
But it looks like the hours of working on my current writing project has finally caught up to me.
An ache has formed behind my right eye again.
Which probably means the contact is once again causing irritation as well. *exhales*  

Monday, July 16, 2018

Behind The Eye

Pretty sure the new prescription in my right eye is causing my current headache as it's been localized there for most of the day and started soon after putting in my contacts for the day. Ended up getting bad enough that I needed to take them out soon after getting home from work to help make the pounding headache go away.

Sunday, July 15, 2018


Ended up with a headache again today. Could be due to a variety of factors but judging by the central location behind my right eye...it could be due to the new prescription contact I'm trying out there. 
But heat and sleeping too much, and possibly not eating enough could also be factors.

Be nice to narrow it down though. 

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Contact Irritation

Ended up with a headache today. *exhales* I think it's just from my contact. Something was irritating it but I couldn't tell if it was dust or something from work or if there was something else in my eye, but yah....plus slight drama at work possibly caused stress and tension to form. It's still slightly there, though thankfully some meds and taking out my contact for a bit and rinsing out my eye and such helped it to fade more. 

Friday, July 13, 2018

A lil one

Ended up with a slight headache today. Possibly due to stress as I had an Eye Doctor's appointment which means I got more aware of my eyes and such which led to tension build up which lead to a bit of that headache. But thankfully it hasn't stuck around. 

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Me: We've been tweaking this scene for hours. Can we be done?
Brain: Its. Not. Perfect. Must. Be. Perfect.
Me: I think...I think this is good enough you know....we liked it before we started tweaking.
Brain: NO! Perfect it! Then we can move on!
Me: *sighs* *continues tweaking* 

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Another One

I ended up with another headache today during work. 
Not quite sure why...possibly from the managers talking more often in my ear, or the knowledge that I would have to try and find ways to entertain myself for half my shift as we finished opening early. As I hate having nothing to do...and with no customers....it puts stress on me trying to find a way to keep myself from going crazy from boredom. 
Thankfully the headache was chased away with some Excedrin and some Essential Oils. Sooo woot!

Tuesday, July 10, 2018


I ended up with a slight headache at work today. 
I was pretty sure it was mostly caused by me not getting enough sleep recently, but also possibly due to coworker stress as well.
Once I got home I tried to sleep it off....but that didn't work. 
Thankfully some Excedrin and some liquids/food helped! So yay! 

Monday, July 9, 2018

Me: Okay, so we're going to post this thing, write this other thing and...you know finish it!
Brain: How about we post the thing...but take forever in posting so we have no time to write because we're waiting to see the response of our posting?!
Me: But....that's...
Brain: What we're doing. *hits refresh a hundred times* 

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Lil Lights

I curled up close to the jar, watching the little creatures within flicker, the little lights of theirs lighting up the small space as bright as a flashlight could. I exhale, a wistful smile on my lips. I wish I could keep them here forever, but all creatures deserved freedom....even if I couldn't yet get mine. 

-Inspiration from a gift

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Brain: But what creature should we involve in this story.
Me: Werewolfs?
Brain: We did that!
Me: Fairies?
Brain: But....we've done that too! 
Me: Well then what do you suggest?
Brain: ….I don't know...but something different!
Me: *face palm* 

Friday, July 6, 2018


The worker smiled, looking to my mom. "Can I bag some crickets for you?" She asked. 
My mom frowned, finger to her lips. "Yes...."
The worker nodded, moving to open the container holding the bugs. "How many?" 
I straightened, brightening, I knew the answer! "She needs 12 lar--"
My mom whirled on me and I shrunk back, only now realizing my mistake at her thunderous expression. "Don't you know not to interrupt adults when talking?" She asked, ice in her voice as I shrank back, trying to not be taller than her, though it was impossible not to be. My growth spurt had only continued this past year, and I was well head and shoulders taller than her. "You're lucky we're in public." She continued. "Else I would have smacked you right here."
I hid a wince, moving my face into a neutral position as I stared at my toes. I hadn't meant to overstep, I'd just been trying to be helpful. But my mom never saw it that way. Which meant. "When we get home, your phone is being locked up." She turned back to the worker, who was doing her best to keep a neutral expression as well, though I could see the concern in her eyes as she glanced at me. "Sorry about that. I need 12 large crickets." My mom said. 
"Okay." The worker said quietly, quickly counting out the correct amount. 

-Inspiration from a customer conversation

Thursday, July 5, 2018


The man, old enough to be his father, looked up raising an eyebrow as he took in the chef's appearance. "Sooo" he drawled out, giving the chef another once over. "You been cooking here long?" 
The chef looked down, to his instruments, bought a couple of weeks before in preparation for his first shift. "A few days." He mumbled out.
"What? Since April?" 
The chef shook his head. "A few days." 
The man sat back, crossing his arms, a slight frown on his face. "Oh." 

-Inspiration from going out to dinner

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

A Drink

"You want some wine?" 
I blinked at her, taken aback. Not sure I'd heard her correctly. "Ummm what?" I asked hesitantly. 
She smiled at me, pulling the clear glass with red liquid in it closer to me. "You want some wine?" She repeated.
I blinked again. This was....a first. Normally people assumed I was barely graduated from highschool, so wouldn't offer me such a thing.
It was nice in a way, to be considered old enough to have some.
But I smiled politely and shook my head. "Thanks, but I'm good." And to my relief she didn't try to pressure me into taking it.
"Okay," she shrugged and put the glass down. "So you know, Harry Potter. Did you know that Sirius is an actual name of a star in the sky?! Because I didn't!" 

-Inspiration from a conversation

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

A Moment

I lay back in the grass, staring upwards, watching as the darkened sky filled with sunbursts of multicolored lights. I sigh, a small smile coming to my lips as my shoulders relaxed. I'd always loved this time of year. Where the crackles and the pops brought lights and wonder to those around me. Those multicolored lights were always the highlight to my year, and I was glad that this night...I could see them. 

-Inspiration from watching fireworks

Monday, July 2, 2018


I waved farewell to the customer and turned from the register, and paused, surprised to see my manager hovering just behind me.
He stared at me with a quizzical expression, glancing to the customer then back to me. "You're so nice." He commented.
I blinked. Wasn't that part of the job description? To be nice to customers? I shrugged and offered him a smile. "I try to be." 
He shakes head. "You try to be? Are you sure it's not just how you are naturally?" 
I shrugged again. "Well...yah naturally. I am pretty nice most of the time." 
He shakes his head again. "I don't know you do it." He remarks, turning away. "I really don't." 

-Inspiration from work.

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Brain: Sooo Sleepy
Me: *pokes it* Ummm how about we write?
Brain: What...is....werds???
Me: Ummm what we use to write. Because we're supposed to be writing. 
Brain: Zzzzzzzzzz
Me: *exhales* Typical