Sunday, November 29, 2020

Sooo I've had a headache or migraine practically everyday for the past week and a half. *exhales* 

Do I know why? No, not really. 

With how sore my shoulders have been, I do have to wonder if some of it is from tension. Whether because my muscles are staying tense besides constantly taking Excedrin or Tylenol to try and keep the headache at bay, or if it's because I'm finally getting my muscles to relax and that's causing headaches cus my body isn't used to it.

I don't quite think it's sleep related as I've been getting at least seven hours most of the time.

Possibly it's not eating enough 'real meals' or drinking enough liquids? 

I nearly thought I solved it when I switched to new contacts yesterday as I couldn't remember if I switched to a new pair of contacts at the beginning of the month or not. And I do know that if I've had my contacts too long I can be prone to more headaches...

Well it only seemed to work for Yesterday.

It could be relation to work stress. To family stress. To traveling stress. To peopleing stress since this past week has been a holiday week....

Who knows at this point.

Today's may have been caused by getting on the computer too early in the morning.


I really wish I could figure out the major trigger though. I was doing better earlier this year with keeping these headaches at bay. So to go to having one practically every day disappointing. 

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

 Woke up to another headache behind my right eye today. XP Not. Good. Perhaps I'm sleeping too tense or something...or sleeping the wrong amount of time. *exhales* In any case, I ended up taking a couple of Excedrin and resting with my eyes closed before I had to go into work. 

While the migraine lingered for most of my shift, an additional dose of Tylenol helped it to stay faint and fade away by the time I got off work. Which is a relief because I did not want to have to deal with a headache my entire shift on my first day back to work. *shakes head*

Monday, November 16, 2020

 I had a headache behind my right eye for most of the day today. Not sure what the reason for it was....I'm guessing it was stress from trying to write and staring at a computer screen all day....but it could probably be other factors as well....though I did try to eat and drink and get the right amount of sleep.

Regardless there was an ache in the right side of my neck that contributed to the headache...and considering I woke up basically with it...*exhales* who knows. Maybe I'm just stressing about going back to work tomorrow.....

Sunday, November 15, 2020

 Surprisingly the headache behind my left eye vanished around 3 am this morning. Which was a relief. Though it left me wide away since I'd been sleeping off and on since around 7pm the night before.

I've been taking it easy but I can feel the muscles in the right side of my neck tensing up and causing a slight ache to form behind my right eye now. Hopefully I can keep it at bay but we'll see. 

Saturday, November 14, 2020

 Ended up with a migraine behind my left eye tonight.

I kinda expected it to happen as I woke up with a faint ache behind my eyes that I tried to get rid of by taking some Excedrin and later Tylenol. But as the evening wore on and the ache behind my eyes returned...I figured I was basically already at the point of being between a rock and a hard place.

As usually an ache behind the eyes means I need more sleep.

But at this stage I was certain that if I slept...I would end up with a migraine....and if I didn't sleep...I would end up with a migraine. *exhales*

So I took more Excedrin and a hot shower before trying to rest my eyes while listening to a movie.

The ache behind my left eye set in at some point around then....I used heat packs and drank water and basically just rested with my eyes closed for the rest of the evening.

But yah...hopefully it doesn't last the entire night. I'm not hopeful of it leaving early though. 

Friday, November 6, 2020

I ended up with a headache behind my right eye for most of the day today, which seems to be a typical occurence on my days off.

I'm guessing it's probably the stress of trying to write and focusing on a computer screen as well as multitasking by listening to other things.

So yah. Not quite so surprised I ended up with the headache today. Hopefully it doesn't last through the night and I can sleep well. 

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Woke up with the migraine returned and pounding behind my left eye again. Gah.

I'm guessing I somehow slept tense enough to make the migraine return, or else I didn't have enough water/nutrients in my system to keep the headache at bay? *shrugs* Who knows. 

I tried taking some advil and resting with a heatpack. 

Also tried eating and getting some caffeine. 

And eventually the headache vanished from behind my left eye...only to move over to pound behind my right eye. 

Judging by the tension in my neck it was probably a stress headache induced by the stress of socializing when I wasn't in the mood to socialize. 

Took some Excedrin and a shower to try and make it go away and it helped a little but there's still a faint ache behind my left eye. *exhales*