Wednesday, January 31, 2018


Slight headache again today, I think possibly still continuing to be caused by my arm/shoulder that is still complaining that it is sore. Like...why it's been three days now...surely whatever I did wasn't that bad.... *exhales*
But yah, a long day of work, and then coming home to a bit of high energy and just being...tired...
Has lead to this slight ache behind my eyes. 
It's been helped a bit by a nap and by food, but is still lurking around....waiting...
For what...I do not know...

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Sore Arm

It woke me up just after 3 am this morning.
My headache.
But not just the headache, my left arm, from shoulder to elbow was aching like none other. 
Aching to the point that it more than likely caused said headache I was suffering from. *exhales* Wooo for tense muscles causing issues.

Thankfully, with some heat, some soothing music, and a couple of advil I was able to relax enough to make the headache go away, though my arm is still randomly being sore and not liking me at all. XP Silly arm, stop being sore. 

Monday, January 29, 2018

A Rough Wakeup

It was one of those mornings where I found myself with a slight headache pretty soon after waking up. Not quite sure why, But at work it managed to fade for a little bit, until I reached the last part of my shift. Where the ache grew behind my eyes once more, but it felt more like an exhaustion headache more than anything else. Because I was like...bone weary, though why I was tired I had no idea. Maybe my body decided it needed more sleep or something. 
In any case, came home and took a nap, woke up with the headache still slightly there....sooo *shrugs* I either need more sleep or a different method to get rid of it.....

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Clean Enough

She frowned, pulling the pan out from the cupboard, examining it with squinted eyes. 
"They're clean" I called out from my position at the kitchen table, as I worked on my paper. 
She sniffed, pulling the pan closer up to her face, and scratching at the surface with one long fingernail before she set the pan back down in the cupboard with a faint clang. "I think I'll just grab one of my own from downstairs thanks." She stiffly told me, as she left the kitchen, disappearing around the corner. 
I glanced up from my work with a frown, glancing to where my pots and pans were. "And just what's wrong with my dishes?" I muttered. They were clean weren't they? A little old, but they were still useable.

-Inspiration from roommates

Saturday, January 27, 2018

If I Ever -Giveaway

If I Ever do a Giveaway....I'm gonna have everyone win. 

Okay, so at work today, we were doing an "Enter to win a Tank" giveaway. 
Where customers would enter their names to win a Ten Gallon Tank. 
-Like just the Tank, no lights/filters/heaters nothing. Nothing but the Tank...and some Gravel. 

Which like people showed interest in the "Win the Tank" thing...until it was shown to be a little 10 gallon tank and not like a 75 gallon tank. 

Honestly, that would be cool....if the store was giving away a 75 gallon tank.
I could see why they wouldn't do it though, because that's a lot of $$$$ 
And if every store in the nation is doing the same giveaway. That Money adds up real quick. :S 

Though with how often they do the "Bring in this Coupon and get a Free Bag of DogFood of your Choice" ....I honestly don't see why they don't do that with like the fish section. 

In any case.

I think it would be fun, to do like a giveaway...where everyone who enters wins the prize. 

But you don't tell people that.

And just see which people enter to win the thing.
And like....give it to them when the 'announcement time' comes. 

That would be cool.
Possibly really pricey again for stores if like 40 people enter or even more.
Like. I really like the idea of making people's days.

Having just one winner....*exhales* 
I feel bad for everyone else who entered but didn't win.

I'm sure I could figure out a way to do this.....

When I'm rich....
Or own my own store. ^^;;; 

Friday, January 26, 2018

Aching Awake

Woke up with a headache this morning. 
Which either means I stayed up too late last night.
Or I just slept tense and it's gone to my head....
or both...

Or I'm just worried about things that I don't have full control over.

In any case.
There's a faint ache in my head. 
Behind my left eye.
And I can only hope that it goes away quickly. 
Because I don't want to suffer with this on my day off. 

Thursday, January 25, 2018


Ended up with a slight headache tonight.
Probably just from tension and such. 
Work was slight stressful in that I helped show two different preschool groups animals and each time it took like half an hour or so, and then I was training new people, and it was just....stressful and I was wired and my brain wouldn't rest, so even though I tried to take a nap when I got home....I wasn't sleeping. My muscles were only getting tenser, and I could hear my roomies in the next room over and they were stressing and making me more tense so yah....
Just have a slight headache from all the tension apparently....

Wednesday, January 24, 2018


"No." I tore the boxes frantically off the shelf, looking at every one. "No. No. NO!" 
Each and every one. 
Each and EVERY ONE.
Filled with cheap knock offs. 
Somebody had gone through and somehow unlocked the cases protecting our more expensive inventory, and switched them out for our cheaper knock offs further down the aisle. 
"No." I whispered, dropping the last box to the ground, my knees hitting the floor soon after as I stared at all the money our store had just lost. 
I was so getting fired for this. 

-Inspiration from discovering thieves had hit our store. (No one got or is getting fired.)

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

Creepy Crawly

I shrieked, tossing the shirt away from me and scrambling backwards as a large brown spider fell onto my floor. 
I pushed to my feet, eyes wide as the spider immediately blended right into the carpet of my bedroom floor.
Not good.
If I couldn't see it.
Who knew where it now was?!
What if it was coming right at me?
What if I was about to be bitten?
I darted out of my room as fast as I could. 
They spider wouldn't get me now. 

-Inspiration from this morning while getting ready for work.

Monday, January 22, 2018


Is it slightly concerning that I had a slight headache when I woke up this morning?
But thankfully it's only be faint twinges and hasn't actively manifested itself. 
So as long as I keep myself from stressing to the point my muscles tense to the point of making my head ache....I should be fine.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Friend: *mentions something* 
Me: *idea sparks* Oh that's cool. But what if?
Friend: AND THEN!
Friend: Or what if?
Me: Yes, but how about.
Friend: Yes!
Me: Yes!
Friend: ....
Me: ???
Friend: Soo you gonna write this idea?
Me:()_() Ummmm 

Saturday, January 20, 2018

A Return

I took a deep breath, steadying myself against the wall before I walked into the room, plastering a smile on my face. My vision still wasn't quite to the point where I could focus, but at least my head was no longer pounding like a jack hammer. I could pretend to function. Pretend that I was alright. 
"Hey guys!" I called out, causing my coworkers to jump.
Jimmy whirled, his mouth dropping open as he looked me up and down. It was like he'd seen a ghost. Who knows. Maybe he had, it wasn't like I felt completely human at the moment. 
"What are you doing here?!" He demanded, pointing a finger at me. 
I raised an eyebrow. "Working?" 
"But you went home!" 
I nodded. "Yes, but I'm feeling better, so I came back."
"Why would you do that?"
"Because there was no coverage for the rest of my shift, so I came back." I responded with a shrug, putting my stuff into my locker.

"You shouldn't have--they don't pay you enough here for that." 
I tilted my head, slightly confused. Did any job ever pay enough to convince people to come back in when they were sick? I doubted it. "Maybe not...but good thing I'm not here for the money." I winked, heading to the door. "I'm here cus I love my job." 

Friday, January 19, 2018

Surrounding Me

It started around eleven or so. 
Possibly around the time I put in my contacts so I could see a bit better.
Was it the contacts that started it? The clearer vision? Unknown.

But soon after the roomie came into my room.
And with the entry came in a bunch of stress and frizzy energy.
Because yah...roommates have been stressed as well over work and life and such.

So it's like I'm constantly surrounded by it. *exhales* 
But it was going fine in my room, away from it all. Until the roomie came in.

Like...I tensed up a bit. 
Because I automatically want to help with the problem.
and it's frustrating to me when I can't help it out.
When it's something beyond my control.
Yet I feel like they're expecting me to be able to find the solution, tell them all the answers and *exhales* 

I figured it would go away if I got up and ate something, drank something, did something.
So I did.
I put on music.
And went to my multiple betta tanks that I have. 
That I've been meaning to clean and redecorate for the past forever.
And figured if I worked at that.
Got my muscles moving in my shoulders it would help. 
And it did for a while.
I was relaxed, I was singing along to the music, the roomie in the room with me was fine.

And then the mood shifted.
The stress came back.
And you guessed it.
The headache.
I drank more liquids.
Finished cleaning and redecorating my bettas so the tanks all looked shiny and new. 
And by that point, the roomie had disappeared downstairs.
So I stayed upstairs.
Figured that I could rest my eyes for a bit and that would help solve the problem.

It didn't.
Headache is still present.
So I'm trying some essential oils currently. Lemongrass and Peppermint.
See if having a different scent surrounding me, while I have a heat pack on my shoulders will help it.

But more than likely I'll end up going to take a shower to get more heat, take out my contacts....and possibly go eat something else with more substance to it. Possibly.
And somewhere in there...take some meds. Like advil.
Though at this point I am wondering what's the point. The meds haven't helped recently it feels like.
But hey, you never know. 
Today may be the day they decide to work. 

Thursday, January 18, 2018

Tearful Agony

I'd been hopeful yesterday. 
That the headache wouldn't stick around.
That today would go well.
but not.

It came yesterday sometime around 4pm.
But no matter, I thought. Just take a couple of advil and a shower and it will be fine.
drink some water it will be fine.
I did just that.
Went and was social.
And apparently in the course of being social, the strain of being social, the stress of being out in a new place in a situation I wasn't quite familiar with....
Made the headache pound all the harder.
Still, I figured, perhaps when I get home and eat something more substantial than ice cream and will go away.
So home I came, I grabbed a couple Excedrin Migraine, a heat pack, and drank a ton of water, made some food with some substance to it.
And for a while. 
The headache seemed to fade.
It was faint.
It was going well...until the tension in the home arose.
Those feel bad moments when a roomie was down on themselves,
and I ached to help.
But was unable to provide the comfort that they needed.
Still I tried....depleting my energy.

I tried to go to bed early.
Hoping that the headache would be defeated with some sleep.
But I couldn't relax.
Woken up just a few minutes later with the pounding of footsteps overhead as people prepped things for the morning.
Unable to relax.
Unable to sleep.
I took another shower.
Letting the hot water pound on my tense and aching shoulders/neck/head.
And again it seemed to help.
I went to bed.
My mind wouldn't rest, but I tried. I dozed off. Surrounded by heat packs. 
Hoping it would help. 
Agony still.
Agony reigned. 
I tried more liquids, more pills, more heat.
But when my alarm finally went off at 6am..
The headache was still there.
Leaving me shaky.
My defenses down.
Agony. I was in tears.
Because I couldn't handle it.
The pain wasn't leaving. 

Still, I got up.
I forced myself to get ready for work.
Because if nothing else.
Work could help. It's cleaning. It's moving my arms which works out my shoulders which would help to lessen the pain.

I survived an hour. 
I couldn't handle it.
I couldn't talk to people. (which thankfully the store wasn't open yet.) 
Because I was in agony. I was in tears. My voice wobbled and shook and did that whole crying thing, because I couldn't.
I just couldn't. 

I did the bare minimum I could handle so that I could leave the department confident that my coworker could do the rest. 
And with the manager's permission.
I left.
After an hour.

I came home
I crashed. With my heatpacks.
And thankfully.
Some sleep.
Some rest.
Helped to fade the headache away to a more tolerable means.
it lingered after I woke up.
Still there but faint.
It grew a little stronger as I got up.
Moved about.
But it was tolerable.
Tolerable enough with me feeling calmer, more in control of my emotions, that I decided to go back to work.

Because they needed me.
I was supposed to work 10 hours today because we're sooo short staffed (with people quitting and school schedules) that there was literally no one in the department able to come in if I didn't. 

My coworker who covered for me would only be there for another hour.
And that left three more hours of no one. No one certified in my department.
So confident with my headache, and an Excedrin Migraine once more.
I went back into work to work four more hours.

The headache came, but it's pain was nothing compared to earlier.
I could function. I could work around it. 

And when i got home around dinner time.
More heat.
More liquids.
More food.

The headache is still here.
Making me sensitive to every little sound that is made anywhere in the house.
But it's almost in control.
Perhaps sleep tonight, now that the major stresses of the week are over and done with....will help vanquish it.
One can hope. 

Wednesday, January 17, 2018


Pretty sure stress and tension is the main cause of tonights headache. Just been under a lot recently. But also probably lack of proper food and liquids could also be a cause.
In any case. My head hurts. Pretty sure it's going to go nuclear. Here's to hoping it doesn't and I can get some rest. 

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

A Chill

I bit my lip, quickly smoothing it into a smile to hide my discomfort as another wave of tingling race up my arm. No one needed to know. Don't draw attention to it. 
But I could feel it. 
The ice creeping up my arm. The tingling growing stronger.
I pull my long sleeve down further, hoping to hide how pale the skin has gotten, how it now has a tinge of blue.
It was fine. I was fine.
I just needed to find someplace warmer and the tingling would go away.
I just needed to...
I exhaled, wincing as my breath fogged in front of me. 
It was only a matter of time before they discovered me.
But I hoped I could hide for a bit longer.

-Inspiration from dealing with a possibly pinched never that is sending tingles into my hand. 

Monday, January 15, 2018

Again Some More Will It Ever Stop

It's probably due to sleep issues.
Who knows.
The ache behind my right eye showed up after I took a nap after work....
So possibly sleep related.
Probably tension related because when am I ever not stressed it feels like.
It could also be food related...because I did feel a bit better after eating something more substantial than granola bars.
But at the same's still here.
Still present.
This is getting annoying.
Why is January so headache prone this time around?!

Sunday, January 14, 2018

A Moment

My vision blurred and I stumbled on the steps, my hand reaching out to smack into the wall so I could steady myself. I blinked rapidly working to clear my vision as I lifted my foot to go up another step. I couldn't falter now. They were counting on me. 

-Inspiration from climbing stairs

Saturday, January 13, 2018

But What If

Okay, this headache is just self caused because I can't not stress about things that I have no control over.
It's just like....I hate dealing with unknowns because there's so many things that could go wrong and when I have trouble knowing what the outcome is going to be...I just stress.
And I stress even harder when i think something is going well, only for someone else to point out potential problems i hadn't yet thought of which sends my mind into a downward spiral and gah. 
I need to stop thinking.

Need to stop talking to people too. 
Because apparently I just stress myself out when I try to go out and be social. 

Friday, January 12, 2018

Still Here I See

Woke up with my headache still present this morning.
Not a good sign.
So either sleep wasn't the solution or I'm stressing over something that didn't allow the headache to fade.
Soo the plan is to take some Excedrin, bundle up in heatpacks and get all my writing things done that I've been procrastinating in hopes that I can then relax enough to focus on other things.

*fingers crossed* that it works. 

Thursday, January 11, 2018

You're Too Present

I ended up with a headache at work today. Which has proceeded to come back off and on since I've been home from work.
But it started at work, mostly because I was dealing with a coworker that I normally have limited interaction with, but this morning I had to interact consistently with them because they were opening the department with me, which meant constant conversation and such.
Which isn't always an issue, but this particular coworker tends to be rather...negative/self deprecating and such. 
And I don't...handle that well. 
Because my automatic reaction is to try and cheer the person up, spin things positively
And having to do that consistently throughout an 8 hour work exhausting. 

Though I am wondering if there's more going on than the energy thing that is causing me to get headaches at work. it because I'm suddenly surrounded by too much testosterone? Because I've been noticing the past couple of weeks that like...I'm the only girl in the store in the mornings currently. All the other morning people are I'm it being around too many guys with their power struggles and such causing me stress subconsciously?
Knowing me...probably. 

Whatever the case. I was glad when the coworker left so that I could have the department to myself for a bit and unwind from dealing with them consistently. 

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Being Social

Another faint headache today.
Halfway due to tension involved with being social for a couple of hours.
As apparently I'm not used to being social outside of work at all. 
Sooo note to self. Reintroduce myself to social situations so I don't tense out and get faint headaches from them. 

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Over Expended

Ended up with a faint headache after work today.
Mostly because with work, I tend to...plan out how I expend my energy. 
and I ended up getting 'over expended' a bit when the managers unexpectedly asked me to stay longer just as I was about to get off. Which in of itself wasn't a big deal, but because I hadn't 'planned' for the extra energy, it left me feeling a bit overdrawn. Which lead to tense muscles, which lead to a slight headache. Though thankfully some rest, and food, and caffeine have helped it not be an issue.

Monday, January 8, 2018

Me: Well, that was a fun oneshot we posted, now we should get to writing a different fic--
Brain: You know what would be cool?
Me: ...finishing a different fic?
Brain: A sequel to that oneshot.
Me: Huh? But why? It's fine the way it is--
Brain: Not only a sequel. WHAT IF WE MADE IT A THREEQUEL?
Me: Ummm
Brain: A FOURQUEL!!!
ME: Stop.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Fast Sunday

Whelp. It's the first Sunday of the month.
Which means obligatory headache post. >.<;;; 
Ugh. Fast Sundays. They seem to cause so much headache woe. 

It's probably combined with the fact that I need more sleep, am fighting to not get sick, found some new things to stress me out, and stress about not writing....and exhales.

Yah. I have a slight headache. 
Kinda reminiscent of yesterday's headache.
Though apparently food and liquids aren't the full solution this time around.
Which probably means I need more sleep. 
I need to get on that....eventually.

Saturday, January 6, 2018

More Inside

Okay, so I ended up with a slight headache this evening.
Which is probably halfway due to some leftover work tension as I could feel one lingering in my skull as I was winding down the work day.
But honestly, I was pretty confident I was getting one because I hadn't eaten something substantial, and I was probably thirsty.
So a few glasses of juice later and some real food in my stomach.
And my headache has faded.
^^;; Yay for managing to figure out this particular headache. 

Friday, January 5, 2018

A Ride

Her head was in her hands when I walked into the breakroom. A pose I knew well because I'd been in a similar one the past week whenever I'd had the chance to sit down.
"You doing alright?" I asked as I went to unlock my locker. 
"No." She whispered without looking up. "I need to get home, but I can't...I can't drive...and no one is picking up." 
I grimaced in sympathy. Oh. That bad. I hadn't yet reached that point this week, but I'd known the feeling in the past. "Do you need me to give you a ride?" 
She turned so that one eye could look at me. "Where do you live?"
"South side of town."
"Oh...I live the next city over."
I didn't see how that was a problem. "Well...that's like maybe one exit further down than the one I usually take right? Shouldn't be an issue." 
She slowly lifted her head, eyes shining with sudden hope. "You sure?" 
I nodded, pulling my bag out of my locker. "Yah, I'm off now. I can give you a ride." 

-Inspiration from work conversation

Thursday, January 4, 2018

4th Day In

Like....I woke up and felt fine...but it's like as soon as I walked into work the headache struck.
Which, I'm now beginning to wonder if I'm just subconsciously stressing about work because of the knowledge that I'm basically the only morning person now because my other morning people quit and we haven't hired anyone else yet to help. So I'm just stressing from the knowledge that I have to open the department by myself. *Exhales* 

Today's headache was worse though. Like it faded and came back constantly throughout the work day, digging into my brain like a hammer hitting a spike into my skull. 
It got to the point where I was seriously trying to figure out if I could leave work early. 

....I didn't.
But I wanted to.
It was torture at work. 

Thankfully coming home and taking a nap has seemingly helped it go away....for now.
We'll see if it stays away tomorrow...

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

3rd day in

3rd Day. 3rd Headache. This unintentional headache start to the year isn't....what I want.
And while this particular headache could have been caused by not getting enough sleep.
My guess is that it was triggered when I had a notification about something that I couldn't do anything about until after I got home from work.
The headache though was exaberated by the fact that I may have gotten something in my eye and I couldn't get this mysterious object to well...stop bothering me. So that too probably caused tensed muscles in my neck.

So yah...worrying over people's opinions, stress of opening by myself at work, and something bugging my eye....all equaled the formation of another headache. *exhales*

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

2nd day in

2nd day of the new year, and I get my second headache. 
This does not bode well at all. 
As I'd really like to you know...not get these so often this year.

Honestly, my guess is that this one is partly caused by stress as I'm in my department by myself basically the entire week. But also because my sleep schedule has been a bit out of whack.

So note to self.
Get better sleep.
Stress less. 
Get more coworkers into my department. 

Monday, January 1, 2018

I Wrote Too Much

It's probably because I only got 4 hours of sleep the previous day. As I ended up waking up at like 2am all wide awake, and chose to work on writing instead of sleeping. Then because of plans and such...I could only manage a two hour nap in the middle of the day instead of resting any longer.
So even though I managed to get a full night's rest last night...
The fact that I didn't the night probably messing with me today. 
And unfortunately it's one of those headaches that is being more difficult to get rid of than others.
So hopefully something helps it go away.
Currently meds, sleep, and heat packs have helped a little but not enough.