Wednesday, April 29, 2020

I ended up with a headache behind my right eye this afternoon. 
More than likely it's due to stress at work.
As I worked a closing shift today.
And those always stress me out because it's customer service the entire time. 
Especially when we have to shoo customers out and prevent more customers from coming in. 

So yah. 
Trying to get rid of it by taking meds, eating food, and having a heatpack. 
Hopefully it doesn't get worse. 

Friday, April 24, 2020

I woke up with the same Migraine I went to bed with last night. Though thankfully it had eased enough for me to be able to sleep through most of the night. 
And thankfully I wasn't woken up around 4am again. So yay me. 

I ended up taking Tylenol and later Excedrin today in an effort to get rid of the remaining headache. I spent most of the morning laying in bed with a heat pack. 

Thankfully around lunchtime the migraine finally vanished so I was able to function again. 

It's also semi good that this happened on my day off. Not sure how I would have functioned well if I had to go to work on top of it. 

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Once again, I ended up with a minor headache behind my right eye, emanating down my neck this morning after being woken up again around 430am. 
Gah. I'm so tired of being woken up in the 4am hour. Just. Let. Me. Sleep.

Thankfully taking a combination of Aleve and Tylenol helped that particular headache to fade.


After work, I ended up with a major nuclear migraine behind my left eye.
I think it was triggered after I took a nap? I can't remember exactly. It was around that point at least.

And it's been awful.
My head pounding like a hot poker is being jabbed into my skull.

It's bad enough that I feel like I'm going to throw up. My stomach is twisting, but I can't tell if it's from feeling sick or from hunger, but I think it's kinda combination of both as standing upright makes me feel awful.

I took a shower twice, trying to ease the tension in my muscles.
As I'm guessing this major migraine is caused by a) being woken up around 4am five days in a row, and b) having to deal with a slew of stressful customers who were grumpy, needy, and just plain shady. XP Not. Fun. 

I've basically stayed all evening and into the night in bed with a heat pack on my shoulder and over my eye, trying to find a comfortable spot.

But it was difficult.
As this was one of those nuclear migraines where I found it difficult to breathe. Just breathing quick and shallow. And I was cold. So cold. Despite having the heat packs.


It's not fun. Not fun at all. 

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

I ended up with another headache today.

So more than likely it's stress related....or it's one of those migraines that just like...happens twice a month. *exhales* Which is frustrating as I've been trying to stay relaxed and eat and drink and sleep enough....

But with the migraine always staying the same's hard to know exactly what's causing it. 

It's not getting worse, or better. 

I'm not sure what to do to make it finally go away. It kinda seems like a wait for it to go away sort of situation. 

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

I had a headache form behind my right eye this morning. The tension in my neck isn't really helping it to go away either unfortunately. I took some Excedrin during work and rested with heatpacks during my breaks and tried to drink more liquids, but the headache refused to lessen. 

Came home and took some advil and ate more food....but still feeling a slight ache behind my eye. Not sure it will go away anytime soon but I'm hoping to keep it's effects minimal. 

Monday, April 20, 2020

I had a slight headache come on late tonight. Not quite sure why...maybe not eating or drinking enough? Or maybe I was just stressing over something...or getting the wrong amount of sleep....but I'm hoping that sleeping will help it to go away. 

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

My managers are seriously getting more stressed out the longer this pandemic lasts. 
More paranoid too. Wanting to keep numbers down in the store, keep things clean, keep social distancing as much as possible. 

And the manager over me was seriously stressing today.
Like...radiating stressed energy wherever they went to the point where I was getting a headache being around them. 

Thankfully I managed to head it off before it became an actual headache.

But yah, being around stressed people isn't good for me methinks.
Too bad I don't think things are going to get any less stressed any time soon. *exhales* 

Monday, April 13, 2020

Woke up with the same headache behind my right eye that I went to bed with. XP Foo. 
I took Advil and then later Excedrin and then more Advil as the day progressed but the ache behind my right eye refused to fade. Even a Dr. Pepper didn't help it. 

I ended up grabbing a shake and hamburger from arctic circle and afterwards took a nap...which seems to have helped make it go away. So either I needed more food or I needed more sleep. But I'm glad it's faded. 

Sunday, April 12, 2020

I ended up with a slight headache behind my right eye this afternoon.
I'm pretty sure it's just from me trying to concentrate on writing like the entire day. 
As I've been working on editing a couple of chapters of an old wip I've had for a while and at the same time I've been watching shows and listening to music. So I'm pretty sure that the constant divided direction wasn't good and strained the muscles. 
But I'm trying to make sure I'm hydrated and have a heat pack currently on that side. With some Tylenol hopefully it will fade away. 

Thursday, April 9, 2020

I didn't have a headache headache form today.
But like I got...twinges of them? Where they could have become full grown headaches...and yet didn't.

I had one start around lunchtime while I was on break. It was an ache behind my left eye radiating down towards my neck. I think I ended up getting distracted away from it though. As after I came back from lunch and got back to work doing some opening vanished.

The second time started after I got home from work and I went to take a brief nap....only for the roomies to decide that right then was a great time to come into the kitchen (which is above my room) and talk really loudly (so I could hear them through the vents) and pace around the kitchen.
Again...i think I ended up getting distracted away from the headache after getting something to drink and warming up my heatpack and getting distracted with computer stuff.

Saturday, April 4, 2020

I had a headache form this morning behind my right eye. Pretty soon after putting in my contacts. So either I have a contact lens that's once again irritating my eye...I think by being too strong?? Which is weird because the eye doctor said my vision was fine....

I do wonder if stress was part of it there were a few things that irritated me earlier and then probably the stress of wondering what was going to happen in Conference affected it too....

But mostly I'm thinking it was the contact pretty much as soon as I took them out for the evening...the headache began fading away. Sooo probably mostly the lens was the issue. *exhales* 

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Ended up with another headache behind my right eye today.
Probably because my manager jinxed me by asking me first thing if I had a headache. 
To which I said I didn't, but give it a couple of hours.

And sure enough a couple of hours later, began feeling a pulse behind my right eye. 
That continued to get worse. *exhales* 

My Daddoo dropped by the store to give me some things and he bought me a Mountain Dew Baja Blast! Yes!!

Drinking that helped it to go away. So woot! 

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Had a faint ache behind my right eye for most of the day.

It started during work...probably stayed for a bit as my coworkers were using a power washer to deep clean the bathrooms today for like four hours straight and the buzzing sound was heard throughout the store.

But it looks like eating a real meal with more food helped it to go away. So woot.

Note to self. 
eat more.