Saturday, April 3, 2021

 Currently dealing with a slight headache that's been pulsing a bit behind my right eye.

It's probably mostly due to me not sleeping well last night as I think the tension of yesterday prevented me from being able to relax and just rest and sleep. 

Been taking some more Excedrin and eating food and drinking some mountain dew to hopefully keep it from becoming worse. We'll see though.

Friday, April 2, 2021

 Had a slight tension headache begin to form behind my eyes today because I had to deal with a rather stressful situation with an antagonized customer that left my coworker in tears and me just trying to make nice and the stress of that tensed up my neck which began to tense up my other muscles in my head.

But thankfully an Excedrin and drinking more liquids and eating some food once I got home from work appears to have negated the headache so yay.

Thursday, April 1, 2021

 Ended up with a slight headache behind my left eye today while I was at work.

Which was rather irritating because I'm pretty certain that I could have made it go away quickly if I'd been able to take Excedrin. 

But I had taken a Tylenol/Aleve combination like not even an hour or so earlier to try and help relax my muscles as they've been rather achy for the past week now it feels like. And I was trying to get them feeling less sore.

But you can't take Excedrin if you've take Aleve because they work along the same pathways.

So instead I had to rely on Mountain Dew to try and use the caffeine to get rid of my headache that was forming. Also tried what I could to massage my shoulder while I was work...and well get distracted by work because often if I get distracted from my headache it goes away on its own.

It worked thankfully as I would only now be able to take my Excedrin if I still needed it.