Friday, March 31, 2017

Brain: We should rewrite this scene and give it more action!
Me: But...I think it's fine how it's going now....
Me: But.
Brain: ACTION!
Me: Fine....let's go add in action.
*hours later*
Brain: *haggard*
Me: *drained*
Brain: Maybe...maybe we should go back to the first draft?
Me: *stubborn* Not after we worked so long on this! We'll finish this first!
Brain: But...
Me: We'll decide which version we like better in the morning, but for now, we need to finish this current version.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

A Friendly Regular

He eyed her with suspicion, this girl who came in to order the same meal at least twice a week. How was it that she had convinced half of his coworkers that she deserved the employee discount? She didn't even work here! Yet he knew that half of his coworkers would swear up and down that she worked at a different store, even though he'd heard it from her own mouth that she didn't. He studied her as she again walked in the door, to order her usual order. It hadn't changed in over a month, he doubted it would today. It wasn't like she demanded the discount or anything. She kept the same smile on her face, said the same thanks in the same tone no matter if she got the special discount that day or not.
He made sure she never got it when he was up front. Yet he never saw anger or disappointment from her when she was denied getting her food for less. She smiled. She laughed. She talked with him and the others easily. Not even complaining when he purposely overfilled her drink so that the soda spilled over the edges leaving the sides sticky.
He shook his head as she turned to take her seat in her usual spot. Whatever it was....he wasn't going to let her affect him. She wouldn't get the discount from him. Ever.

-Inspiration from personal experience

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Freedom Run

Mouth dry I cinched shut my duffle, slinging it over my shoulder as I stood. Heart hammering in my chest I listened, half expecting that the man I'd been forced to call Father would burst through the already bashed up door yelling at me to get to sleep.
But I wouldn't be sleeping here tonight. Nor ever again if I could help it.
This. This was my permanent goodbye from the man who never loved me in the first place, the woman who I actually felt deserved the title of Mother already knew she wouldn't see me in the morning. Knew I'd been yearning to escape this house for years already. If only she had done more...perhaps I would have stayed. But as things stood...
I slide the window open, the wood barely making a noise in it's groove, for which I was grateful. I didn't need a creaky window giving me away.
I glanced around the room one last time to check that I hadn't forgotten anything, no longer really thinking of it as a bedroom. Satisfied, I slid out of the window and onto the roof of the garage, a short drop later, and I was on the ground, bicycle on hand, keys to the car I'd purchased days ago in my pocket. I couldn't afford for that man to hear the ignition starting in the middle of the night, so I'd parked the car at a lot nearby.
Foot on the pedals of the bike, I took off down the dark empty street without a backwards glance.
Finally. Finally I was free.

-Inspiration from a conversation.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017


I should have made more of an effort to take a nap.
I've been awake for too long.
Eyes open for too long.
The tension has come, the need for rest has taken hold.
And yet stubbornly I stay up.
Fighting the ache behind my eyes.
In order to get done what I wanted to get done.

....I really should have taken that nap....maybe it would have helped. Maybe....

Monday, March 27, 2017

The Offer

I knew it was coming. Ever since I found out my manager was leaving.
I knew that the Head Manager would ask me if I wanted to take the other manager's position.

Though honestly it's just a formality at this point.
Because I've refused that position multiple times now.

I mean, I know I'm capable and such of said position.
But it's not....a fun job.
Being a manager isn't fun.
And my goal is to do what I love.
And I love where I'm currently at.

So it's no surprise to the managers when I refuse to step up into a manager position.
Still. They ask....
I think in the hopes that I have changed my mind.

Still haven't.
Still won't unless something changes in my mind in the next little while.

But there's always that slight tension. That 'what if' plague of questions that follows me whenever I again turn down the offer.

Because...what if I should move on, and step up and do this and that and the other?

*shakes head*

It's enough to bring me slight tension and stress.

And occasionally enough to give me another headache. Ugh.
I need to stop getting those....
I need to stop tensing myself up so I stop getting those....

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Just Let Me Write

It probably started off with me being frustrating that I had to go to work instead of being able to sit down and write like I wanted to.
And while work itself wasn't stressful...the constant movement and talking to customers and again, frustration at not having my computer on hand to jot down my ideas...sent the tension in my shoulders making its way up into my head.
That, and possibly a lack of proper food, and a good old fashion nap...
Probably contributed to the all night headache I ended up getting.
One bad enough that I physically felt ill with nothing helping at all.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Me: *watches murder show*
Brain: Oooo What if we wrote our own murder mystery?!
Me: Hmmm, that could actually be fun.
Brain: And then we could post it on a blog somewhere!
Me: True true, we'd have to write it out first.
Brain: We would need evidence pictures and video interviews and images of the suspects, and OOH what if we filmed the Capture of the Criminal!?!? We could even do polls where readers would vote on who they think did the crime!!
Me: do realize that that's...a lot to do right?
Brain: SO?! IT would be AWESOME! Just imagine!
Me: I can imagine quite well, but perhaps we should just stick with writing it out and not relying on other things.
Brain: *pouts* That's no fun though.
Me: But it is more doable.

Friday, March 24, 2017

Almost Dead

He'd left me to die.
There was no mistaking that. What with me waking up half clothed in the middle of the woods in the pouring rain...yah. There was no mistaking that Mike had tried to kill me. Unfortunately for him though. He'd failed. I could feel the wound on my neck, and it hurt to breathe, but he'd just knocked me out, not actually killed me. And for that, that I was grateful. I wasn't ready to die yet.
Cautiously, a hand to my throat to cover the wound. I sat up, working to breathe calmly, though I was failing miserably at it. It was dark. I was freezing. And I had no idea where I was. A forest? I thought I could hear water nearby, but with the cloud cover and the rain. I had no idea how close I was to anywhere. Shivering, sniffling, and trying to not faint again, I pushed myself up to my feet and made myself as decent as I could. I needed shelter and quick. I may not be able to make a fire or find civilization in the darkness, but surely I could find a tree to hide under until the sun rose. Wobbling in my steps, I cautiously felt my way barefootedly through the undergrowth. Hand blindly outstretched searching for a branch or something that would indicate that I was close to a tree trunk. Oh, and definitely head away from trickling water. I didn't need to stumble into a river and get carried away.
It took me a while. Mostly because I had to fight blacking out again and being upright was difficult in my condition. Whatever Mike had done after I'd fainted, it hadn't been gentle. I felt bruised all over.
I gritted my teeth, finally taking cover under a tree, shivering against the rough trunk. He wouldn't get away with this.

And he didn't.
It was a day and a half before I heard voices yelling out my name.
Turns out I'd been unconscious for almost 24 hours before the rain had woken me up.
But I'd been found. I had to stumble to them, unable to cry out because of the slash on my neck. But oh. The warm blanket. The smiles of relief that the searchers had found me alive. The cries and hugs from my family when I was reunited. It felt good to be back.
And it felt even better to write Mike's name down for the officer. Sealing his prison fate as the one who'd tried to kill me.

Because I...I was a survivor.

-Inspiration from watching Swamp Murders

Thursday, March 23, 2017


It could have been so many things today.
So it was probably all the things that cumulated in the headache I got.

The lack of getting enough sleep due to things and writing and more things.
The fact that the contact in my right eye was being wonky/irritated today which probably tensed me up.
The problem of having managers not staying on the same page as each other, and in the ensuing chaos I'm asked to do things that just yesterday I had been told not to do.
The issue of only having a second person in my department for a SINGLE HOUR to help me open up everything. -Which meant only a little got done and I needed to do everything else by myself.

*shakes head*'s not surprising I ended up with a headache. It's a lot of tension I was dealing with there.
Thankfully though, a brief nap and some Excedrin helped to make that all go away. :) Yay for not sticking around this time!

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Me: Okay let's write it!
Brain: ACTION!!!

Me: oh wait...I calmed down the action again.
Brain: Why would you do that?!?!?! We needed ACTION not more dialogue!
Me: ....but I like dialogue and that was a good conversation--
Brain: That needs to be held somewhere else. GO BACK TO ACTION!!
Me: okay, okay...I'm trying.
Brain: Try harder.
Me: >.<

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Tension Again

I think it started from work.
Having to deal with a rush of customers basically by myself on the register -when I wasn't supposed to be on register in the first place- for an hour straight....definitely would tense me up.
Add into that that when I got home to crash, I probably slept tense, not quite unwinded from work. Which made my head ache.
Add into that the tension of writing, the lack of food and possibly liquids....

I'm not surprised I got a headache.
And unfortunately sleep didn't make it go away.
The pounding in my head was awful.
The slightest movement made a wave of pain rush through me, like someone was trying to crack my head in two.

Thankfully, some water, meds, and a heat pack on my neck later.... I was able to drift off to sleep and relax enough to get some rest. :)

Monday, March 20, 2017

The Favored

He laughed softly under his breath, leaning in to see the little goldfish more clearly to his hazy eyes. "Yes! Yes! You'll do perfectly!" He said clapping his hands before suddenly jutting out one finger nearly poking the girl who'd caught the fish in the chest. "HE NEEDS FOOD!" He proclaimed with a glower. "Feed him. I can't have my fish starving!"
The girl blanched, taking a step back. "I'm sorry we don-"
"FEED HIM!!" He hollered widening his haze filled eyes. "He will STARVE if you don't. You don't want my fish to starve do you?"
He giggled to himself as the girl swallowed, and disappeared in the back to grab the food. Yes. His little buddy shouldn't go hungry.
"Here. Is that all?" She asked as she handed his fish to him. He smiled, humming under his breath as he held the fish up to his face. Hello. Hello. Did he want more? He grinned wider and lowered the bag. "I actually want one more now." He proclaimed gesturing to the fish tank he wanted the next one from. "The white one now!"
She hesitated before nodding. "Alright." She said catching the fish much more quickly than the previous orange one. He frowned. Was she favoring the white fish over the orange one? He growled as she turned to disappear into the back. "No!" He suddenly exclaimed, causing her to jump. "Don't feed this one!" He frowned down at the fish in the container. The orange one was the favored one because it was first. Not this interloper. "He should remain a little hungry." That would teach the fish to be caught more quickly than the orange one. He brightened as she did what he said and hummed contently as he held both bags of fish in his hands. Yes. Yes this would do nicely. "Remember!" He said lifting the fish up as he stared the girl down. "The orange will always be more important!" He quickly lowered the bag with the white fish in it. "Always!" Chuckling he turned. Yes. Orange would be more important.

-Inspiration from an encounter my coworker had with a customer at work today.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Brain: Shouldn't we be done with this already?
Me: If you didn't keep coming up with ideas we would have been.
Brain: But we needed those expansions. You should have written faster.
Me: You should have made it less difficult to add in the expansions!
Brain: But that shouldn't have stopped you from writing faster.
Me: It does if we want the story to still make sense.
Brain: So....are we done yet?
Me: *eye twitch* No.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Me: This story is going really well!
Brain: You know what would be cool?
Brain: If we also told this story from this other character's perspective!!
Me: But....
Brain: Doesn't it sound cool!! Get their thoughts and such?
Me: Yah, but....let's finish this story first and then we'll talk about doing it again from a different perspective okay?

Friday, March 17, 2017


*loud shriek pierces the air*
Wesley: *darts around the corner* Did you get her!?
Me: *still dry* Not quite. Gary and Billy, on the other hand, got themselves quite nicely.
Billy: *wide eyed and soaking wet* She moved like a freaking ninja!!
Gary: *also wet* It's like she had eyes in the back of her head.


Boss: *eyes me scrubbing tanks suspiciously* Do you happen to know why Wesley is drenched and dripping water all over the place?
Me: *wide-eyed innocence* I believe he tripped over the mop bucket sir.
Boss: Oh, is that all?
Me: *smiles * Yes.
Boss: *shakes head* So you have no idea why he's sworn vengeance on you?
Me: *grins* None at all. 


Wesley: *purposely singing off tune nearby*
Me: Is this a new torture technique? Because maybe you should try it on one of those guys who owes you money and not me.
Wesley: *grins and sings louder*
Me: *soft smile * You may want to stop that.
Wesley: *singing* Ooorrrrr whhAaaaTt???
Me: *splashes him with a cup of fish tank water* Or that happens.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Me: Okay, enough writing. I should go to bed.
*adjusts sentence*
Me: Now I should stop.
*writes another paragraph*
Me: Hey.
*continues to add in tidbits of info to chapter.*
*works on another page*
Me: I Need to Get to Sleep!
*can't stop writing.*

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Me: We should write!
Brain: Okay! But wait! We need to figure out the background for this character first and their relationships with other people.
Me: That's not important since we don't meet those people until later in the story.
Brain: No. We need to know NOW.
Me: We don't.
Brain: We do.
Me: Let's just write!
Brain: As soon as you figure out whether or not this character actually even knows these background people that may come into the story later on.
Me: Ahhhhh!!!!! *bangs head on table*

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

If I Ever -Need Fruit

I really need a portable fruit stand.
A place in like the Mall Food Court that specializes in selling fruits and veggies.

Maybe if I ever end up owning a food place.
I'd make it veggie and fruit based.

So that poor college students who want to be healthy but don't want to waste money on fruit they can't eat before it molds....
Can have a quick easy place to drop by and grab whatever fruit or veggie that they're craving.

I'd do a variety of types.
From just a fruit bowl.
To more creative concoctions like smoothies, or salads, or dipping things in chocolate. courts need more fresh fruit options. It would be so handy.

Monday, March 13, 2017

A Bite To Eat

I squeaked as a strong hand grabbed my wrist jerking me back away from the dumpster. "And what do we have here?" A baritone voice asked. My eyes widened das I looked up and up at the bear of a man holding on to my wrist. I squeaked again and jerked frantically at my wrist.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'll go, Just let me go." I babbled.
He raised an eyebrow and suddenly crouched, more on my eye level now, his grip not wavering. "You didn't do anything wrong." He said calmly. "But eating out of the dumpster is hardly the way to get you growing miss. Come on." He straightened just as suddenly, pulling me towards the lit doorway nearby. "I'm not having you eat someone else's castoffs. That's a quick way to get sick you know." He raised his arm, easily lifting me up the three steps and placing me inside the restaurant in one swooping movement. I squeaked again, landing awkwardly, my eyes as wide as the dinner plates the used to serve their food here.
Inside. I was inside. I shivered, unaccustomed to the sudden warmth accosting me, telling my body that yes, it was cold outside and I wasn't wearing much to keep away the chill.
"Come on come on." Bearman said shoving me forward. "Let's get some meat on those bones of yours."

-Inspiration from random musings

Sunday, March 12, 2017

A Visit

"We could have just met at the library or the food court or something." Nox repeated as they approached the barbwire fence. "Just because your parents don't want the son of a criminal in their home doesn't mean they want you going into mine."
Lum laughed, running a hand through his hair. "And miss the chance to meet the famous Arsonist? Come on Nox, give me some credit."
"I'm giving you none, just because she's in prison doesn't mean that my mom will be nice to you."
"I'll risk it."
"You're an idiot."
"You're letting me come aren't you?"
"Do I have a choice? You teleported us here."
Lum grinned, pretending to look surprised. "Oh yah..."
Nox exhaled, ringing the buzzer to be let in. He turned to Lum grabbing him by the shoulder to get him to meet his eyes. "If we do this, you obey everything I tell you to do, no questions. Got it? She hasn't killed anyone recently, but that doesn't mean she can't choose to do so today, to you. She's not known as the Red Hurricane for nothing."

-Inspiration continuing from random thought in an earlier post.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Grey Friends

I couldn't help but sound hesitant. She'd withdrawn from the group over the past week, though the others hadn't appeared to notice. Well, they noticed because she stopped being willing to throw out cash at every suggestion that Tanya made. Though Tanya had dismissed it as a phase.
I doubted it was that.
There was anger.
There was hurt.
And I could only guess why. She hadn't been the same since Tanya had once again brought up the fact that Stephanie had been lying to us about how rich she was. I couldn't help but think she had overheard us. Because on that day she'd been late meeting up with us, and Steph had made an effort to be on time. Always.
She barely glanced up. "Yah?" She asked cooly.
I took it as barely an invitation to sit by her side.
"Are you okay?"
I pursed my lips. "You don't sound've been acting weird."
"It's nothing."
I doubted that. With a shrug I moved to stand. "Alright....but...." I reached into my jacket and pulled out an envelope. "I just wanted to give you this. I hope it helps." I set it down next to her hand and turned away.
I hadn't gotten more than six steps when her voice reached me. "...What is this Anthony?" She asked.
I glanced over my shoulder. "What I owe you for the past few years." I said simply. "I wanted to wait until you told us yourself the truth..." I shrugged, turning away. "But since you seem to be breaking ties, I figured I'd give it to you now before you completely disappeared on us."

-Inspiration from an episode of Detective Conan 

Friday, March 10, 2017

The Aches and Sicks

Being sick is never fun.
Getting a headache on top of that.
Makes for being twice as miserable.

Though I don't believe the sickness caused the headache.
It's probably from spending too much time watching shows on my computer while I'm sick in bed that caused the ache to develop behind my eye.
It's also probably due to the less than restful sleep that I got last night because said sickness kept waking me up.

Okay...I'm blaming the sickness for the headache.
Because seriously.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

False Friends

I slumped to the ground, hiding in the shadow of the column as those who I'd believed to be my true friends passed by. They'd known. For years, they'd known that my life, my life had been a lie. That I wasn't a rich heiress from the south. And yet...yet they'd said nothing. I'd worked so hard to hold up the appearance, to make it seem like I was just like one of them.
And they'd said nothing.
Hot tears streamed down my face.
They'd known, they'd let my lie continue on, asking me to spend money they knew I didn't have.
"So much for friends." I whispered. So much for me thinking that they cared about me and not just my money. I should have known better. My hand clenched into a fist. I. Should. Have. Known. Better!

-Inspiration from an episode of Detective Conan

Wednesday, March 8, 2017


Curse you chest cold for moving up into my head and making everything ache.
Go away.
I don't need a headache from this.
I don't need to feel miserable with this.
Just take your things and go.
Because I have things I need to do and I don't want to be sick while doing them.


Tuesday, March 7, 2017

An Interview

He should have been used to it by now. After all he went to a school where people had a variety of powers to control. But honestly, Nox had had no reason to expect to suddenly be teleported from his walk through the trees into an auditorium filled with people. Let alone, on the stage.

Nox wobbled a bit from the sudden disorientation. Automatically he pulled up the hood of his dark jacket to hide his face a bit from the spotlight. "Ah! Nox! Welcome!"
Nox turned to the speaker, Lum in his usual garish mismatched clothes, standing nearby. He should have known he'd be involved in the sudden teleportation. It was Lum's specialty after all.
"What's going on here?" He asked, straightening, dark eyes focusing on the panel. His fingers twitched, already piecing it together. There was May, Siv, Grig, and Moke or in other words, the group he'd been forced to work with a couple of weeks prior.
"We're doing a Q&A and you were asked a question." Lum said brightly, gesturing to the audience before them. "Since you weren't here before, I brought you here now. Pem, here wants to know if you only ever wear black."
What was this? Some sort of comic con panel? Why in the world would anyone want to ask him a question?
"Come on, Nox. It's an easy answer." Lum encouraged as Grig and Moke rolled their eyes.
Nox frowned, glancing to the girl Pem with her curly hair. "No."
A surprise murmur rose through the audience. And he saw Siv with her bright blue hair straighten suddenly.
"What...what other colors do you wear Nox?" Pem asked eagerly, leaning forward into the mic so her voice echoed through the auditorium.
The corner of his mouth twitched. "Grey." He said and shook his head as the interest died down. He tugged at his jacket, briefly showing his shirt. "Sometimes Red," which he only happened to be wearing today. "And rarely Green. Alright can I go now?"
"Why not stick around?" Lum suggested, a chair suddenly appearing next to Moke who shifted his own chair a little ways away. "They might have more questions for you."
Nox had to raise an eyebrow at that. "You want me to stay?" He scoffed. Yah right. Nobody wanted him to stick around. 
"Sure, I mean you helped us defeat the Scourge a couple of weeks ago, people are curious."
An agreeing roar sounded from the crowd.
Lum's voice sounded suddenly by his ear and Nox flinched. "I'll just teleport you back if you try to leave."
"Whatever." he muttered, pulling the hood of his jacket further down over his face. So what, they'd defeated some horrible blight on the trees that caused them to rot and explode. It wasn't like that wasn't something everyone else hadn't encountered before. He pulled the chair away from the table, with his foot and slumped into it. Slouching as low as he could get and still stay on the chair. He didn't like crowds and this crowd...was huge.

-Inspiration from Thomas Sander's Q&A youtube Video posted today.

Monday, March 6, 2017

I'm Fine

She didn't see me as I quickly backed back around the corner I'd just come around, only to peer back around.
She was crouched, one hand on the shelf, a pile of packages of rice spread around her. She hardly looked like she was breathing as she had one hand covering her eyes.
As I watched, she took a deep breath and lifted her head away from a hand that trembled slightly before she straightened to continue stocking the shelves.
Only for her to pause again thirty seconds later as she swayed.

I couldn't believe it. seemed like Jazz was sick.
I'd heard the stories from the other coworkers that Jazz was like Superwoman. She always came to work. Always finished her shifts. Never called off. Was always willing to cover another coworker.
But here she was....obviously not well.
I frowned, as she perked up when a customer approached her asking a question about a price. Now it looked like she was perfectly fine. Healthy.
But what I'd seen just moments before, told me otherwise.

"Hey, Jazz. You alright?" I asked coming around the corner once the other customer had left and she'd returned to the shelves.
She looked at me, raising an eyebrow, the act in full force though I could see the exhaustion lingering in her eyes. "Yah? You need something Paul?" She swallowed, the faint color in her skin fading away.
"No...but...I think you need to go sit down."
She frowned. "I'm fine."
" don't look fine." I said finally.
She smiled, bright and amused at me. "I'll be fine." she reassured. "Just a couple more hours and I'll be able to go home. I'll be fine."
I exhaled and nodded. "Just...don't work yourself too hard okay? Take a break if you need to."
She chuckled at that returning her attention to the shelves. "Sure, sure."
I knew she wouldn't. The fact that she continued to work even though she wasn't feeling well already proved that. I'd never wished for two hours to pass by faster, if only for her sake.

-Inspiration from not feeling well at work.

Sunday, March 5, 2017


I'm not surprised that it came.
I tend to get headaches whenever we have to do the animal cycle count at work.
After all we're trying to count like 10,000 some odd animals in like...two hours.
(Fish, Crickets, Bugs, Reptiles, Birds, Small Pets, More fish etc)

So it tends to be a bit tense....
Plus it doesn't help when you're trying to count all the fish in a tank and they keep moving on you. *exhales*

But hey...
We did it.
And hopefully some sleep will get rid of the headache for me. :)

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Quick Info

"You're a fast talker aren't you? I've never had so much information given to me so quickly."
I grinned, and shrugged. "I've had a lot of experience in this." I reassured him. Hopefully I wasn't blushing. It always caught me off guard when people complimented me like this. Though honestly, I wasn't sure if being called a fast talker was a compliment. I just knew there were other people who were waiting nearby for my help as well. I had to talk fast if I was to answer everyone's questions and give them enough information to get what they needed. "Now do you have any questions about what I just said?" After all, the failing of talking to quickly was the information going in one ear and right out the other of a customer unable to keep up. With time on the line. I needed to make sure that they understood. If not, it would go badly for them, and be an irritating nuisance to me if they came back.

-Inspiration from personal experience. 

Friday, March 3, 2017

Back and Forth Mission

I could only hope that the customer didn't see my trembling fingers, shaking with silent rage, as once again she sent me to the back of the store. I wanted to strangle that woman! But with effort I kept a smile on my face, though the blaze in my eyes was probably harder to hide. Already she'd sent me to the back of the store a half dozen times. What she wanted changing within the two minutes I spent away from the register searching for the next odd request she had come up with in my absence. This time it was a zebra designed glitter harness in a size large.
Taking a steadying breath, I found the stupid harness in a size large. Grabbing a smaller medium one for good measure in case she decided once again her puppy dog was smaller than she'd originally thought. Please. Please let this be the last time. The last time I'd have to comply to her stupid requests. I couldn't wait for her to finally pay for her purchases and leave the store. I had supposed to have gone home over forty minutes ago, but her grasping and cheap nature refused to let me leave and have another take over her service. No, it was me and no one else.
Taking a deep breath, plastering my customer service smile back on my face I returned to her. "Is this what you wanted?" I asked.

-Inspiration from personal experience

Thursday, March 2, 2017

A Quest

The teen straightened, a wisp of cool breath briefly appearing as he exhaled, hands in his pockets.
Two years. Two years since he'd lost everything, and he still felt like he was back on day one after the disaster.
Hands in his pockets, he strolled forward, his quick darting eyes taking in everything as he searched. Searched for answers to the questions he still had from two years ago. When he set out upon this road...he hadn't believed it would take so long. Part of him had half believed it would only take a couple of months to track down the people who killed his family.
But now, it was two years, and he didn't feel any closer to bringing his family to justice.

He wouldn't give up hope though. No. He would succeed. Even if he had to search the entire earth to do so. Those people would pay. And he would ensure it.

-Inspiration from reading a crossover DannyPhantom/Detective Conan fic

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Stressing Over It

I should know better by now.
That choosing to take a nap right after I get off of work...especially when that last few minutes of work was stressful... isn't a good idea.

Because no matter what I do, whether it's a short nap or a longer one.
If I take such a nap.
After dealing with a stressful situation, like hearing that one of my coworker's did something they weren't supposed to in a moment of stress and that it may get them in trouble later on....

It kinda stays with me for a bit.
As my mind takes a bit to work through problems.
So if I lay down....and my mind is still working through that stressful problem, that in this case, doesn't even involve me.
I end up tensing my muscles.
And sleeping tense.
Equals a headache nine times out of ten.

And said headache....doesn't always go away easily.
Like today's.
*shakes head*

Note to self.
Don't sleep when already stressing. It doesn't help.
Like Ever.