Wednesday, October 31, 2018

More Candy?

I blink in surprise as yet another child took just one piece of candy from my bowl. 
"That can't be right." I mutter, shutting the door once more. 
Shouldn't the children be taking more than one piece?
I was sure that was what happened when I was growing up.
We'd take two or even three or sometimes a whole handful of candy.

So why were these kids just taking one?
Had I only taken one?

I exhale, shaking my head as the door bell rang once more. I smile as I open it, holding out the bowl of candy as "Happy Halloween!" echoed in my ears. 
"You can take more than one. I told them quietly."

Excited grins met my words as little hands dug into the bowl. 

-Inspiration from handing out candy for Halloween

-This blog will be on a brief hiatus until Nov. 11th. :)

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Ended up with a slight headache this afternoon. 
I think it's mostly from a roomie burning a candle that....has a scent that really...doesn't jive with me.
Like I don't mind the smell...mostly.
It's just a scent that...ugh. It's not like cleaning product scent, but pretty close to it.
So like if the smell is too strong it's just gets on my nerves.

Which is what happened today.

And the unfortunate thing seems to be...
That whenever my roomie decides to burn this candle....
It's on the days when I forget to shut my bedroom door.

So like I can't even escape into my room to get away from the scent.
Because it's permeated the entire space.

And gah.

It's stressing. 

Monday, October 29, 2018

The Migraine woke me up at like 230 am this morning.
Which doesn't bode well for you know...getting restful sleep.
But at least it stayed on the more mellow side of painful, to the point where I just heated up a heat pack and went back to bed until my alarm went off.

But yah, the thing insisted on persisting all the way through work and past work. 

Thankfully it's fading now. So hopefully it won't go into another day tomorrow.

But we'll see. 

Sunday, October 28, 2018

I ended up with a major migraine today.
One that refused to be sated with hot showers, heat packs and a variety pack of meds.

A massage ended up helping the headache go away for the most part towards the later evening.

But overall...I just tensed myself out and I don't quite know why?
Was it because I tried to take a nap after church?
No...maybe? I mean my head was feeling fuzzy before that point.
But it was just steadily getting worse throughout the day.

So probably stress.
Probably the stress of wanting to write but being unable to write because my head was aching enough that I couldn't stare at a computer screen for long periods of time without making it worse. 

And it's probably just being unable to unwind from work, stressing over self set deadlines that I'm not making. stress over.... a lot of things. 


Yah. Not a good day for my head. 

Saturday, October 27, 2018

I knew it was coming as soon as the muscles between my shoulder blades tensed up.
Unsurprising because work was being it's usual Saturday stressful in that a lot of people were coming in and I'd just spent like the last straight hour helping customers out with the culmination of my last customer before I took a lunch being....a difficult one.
So the tension in my shoulders, going up to my neck, and then settling behind my right eye isn't all that surprising. 

Saturdays are usually the most likely days (besides Fast Sundays) for headaches to rear their heads because gah. There's sooo much customer service and soooo much need and I'm stressing trying to get opening done and making customers happy and my social battery is just draining and tensing me up and yah.....

Headaches aren't fun.
Especially when they're refusing to leave. 

Friday, October 26, 2018

I have a slight headache behind my left eye tonight.
More than likely it's from the tension of driving up north, getting my teeth cleaned, and driving back down south again. But's tension. Tension in the shoulders. Tension the jaw. and an ache behind the eye.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

I ended up with a headache today.
It's festering behind my right eye.

And definitely was caused by tension at work.
Because I suddenly had a lot of stress placed on me where I had to do a labor intensive thing in a short amount of time unexpectedly.

That labor intensive thing?
Tearing apart three of our display fishtanks to get the fish out of them because we're taking them down and the power got shut off a day early so I needed to get them out 'now' so that they wouldn't be without running water and heat for too long.

So stressful.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Me: So we want to work on this writing idea.
Brain: This idea? *holds up different idea.* 
Me: No. THIS idea.
Brain: That idea? *holds up completely different idea* 
Brain: … no ideas then? No writing?
Me: No. Write this idea!!! Gah. 

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Me: …..
Brain: …..

Me: …..
Brain: …..
Me: You know....this writing thing would be easier if know, actually thought of things to write?
Brain: *suddenly has twenty ideas* 
Me: *overloaded with ideas* No! Too much! Too much!!! AHHHH!!!! HELP!!!!
Brain: :D

Monday, October 22, 2018

There's been a slight headache coming and going throughout the evening behind my eyes. Possibly its more tension based than anything else. Maybe need more food or something.
But yah...I'm just...tired. 

Sunday, October 21, 2018


I pulled open my bedroom door and paused, gazing down in bemusement at the gift my roommate had left me. A little tower of change stood, blocking my path. 
"Not quite how I expected to be paid back." I mumble, bending down to scoop up the handful of bills and change. "But it does work out." 

-Inspiration from Roommate Interaction

Saturday, October 20, 2018

There are days when I really just....don't like working Saturdays. 
For the most part it's because I have to do a lot more customer service than on the other days of the week.
Which...while draining is okay because at least it keeps me busy.

Today though.
It was dead for most of my shift.
Which put me in the hard position of a) not having anything to do task wise and b) not having anyone to help which left me aimlessly wandering the aisles trying to keep myself entertained until someone walked in the door that I could help.

And that draining.
I ended up with a headache much earlier in the day than I usually do on a Saturday workday. 

It came on around 1 or so.
Tension in my neck. An ache across both eyes.

I was hoping taking a nap after work would help it.
No such luck.
It's moved to just behind the right eye currently, edging down past the ear into the neck.

So at least it's not the entire head that is in pain.

Still though.
Not fun to have to deal with. 

Friday, October 19, 2018

Slight headache behind the right eye tonight.
Probably because my right side from shoulder to hip has been aching throughout the day.
Who knows why.
It is getting tedious though. 

Thursday, October 18, 2018

An Interloper

She stepped into the living room, eyes flashing as she glanced about the place, automatically judging the slight dust on the shelves, my feet on the coffee table and the Halloween decorations scattered about. "Oh." She sniffed crossing her arms. "Decorating for Halloween are you?" 
I frown at her tone, not liking how disapproving she sounded. 
"Yes?" My roommate queried a bit taken aback at the tone. "It's not even all up yet. I love this holiday." 
"Ah. Well..." She moved into the kitchen her judging eye taking in the semi clean counters and the bowls of Halloween candy we had on the table. "At least you got candy." She said, grabbing a handful of skittles. "That's the important thing." 

-Inspiration from visitors at home. 

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Give Me Alone Time

They were there. Constantly around me. I couldn't escape them. The people. Every room I went in, there was another body. There was another sound. It was relentless. There was no peace. There was no quiet. There was no way I could ever relax. Not when the people were there. 

-Inspiration from not being able to get away from people at work today

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Too Loud

His voice rang in my ear, blaring like a foghorn as his words inundated my skull.
I flinched, tearing the earpiece out of my ear, unable to take such a racket at such close range. "Ow!" I complained aloud, shaking my head, desperately trying to get the ringing to fade before I cautiously moved the earpiece back up to my ear. "Try and deafen me why don't you?" I told him, making a face. 
"Deafen you?"
It was quieter this time. Thankfully. 
"Yes. You were practically yelling that first time." 

-Inspiration from Work

Monday, October 15, 2018

The muscles from my neck down between my right shoulder blade and spine all the way down to my hip have been aching today.
Aching hard enough that I've had a near constant headache.
Which has faded in and out as I've rested my eyes and taken to putting heatpacks along the sore area to try and get the muscles to relax.
But honestly....
Why are you aching?
I haven't done anything besides like...write? 
Why have you decided to stress out and go tense like this right side of my body?

Who knows.
Who really knows. 

Sunday, October 14, 2018

I had a slight headache this morning followed by a brief respite before another headache came to take residence behind my right eye.

The first was probably from stress of going to Stake Conference today, as big gatherings of people have been known to make me tense.

The latter was definitely caused from the tension in the shoulders that comes when I'm focused on writing out my fic. ^^;; lol. So that one was self caused there. Too much writing. Not enough eating. Too much focus on a single thing.

I'm hopeful some sleep will help that go away. 
We'll see. 

Saturday, October 13, 2018


I shrank back, glancing at my phone, wondering how much longer I'd be stuck here. It couldn't be much longer right? But at the same how much my companions were laughing and having fun, it didn't look like we'd be leaving any time soon.
I slipped my phone back in my pocket, pasting a smile on my face as the others tried to engage me in their antics.
I just want to go home. 

-Inspiration from hanging out. 

Friday, October 12, 2018


I stopped, staring up at the sky in shock, ignoring people as they shoved past me.
"No way." I breathed, watching the clouds. 
Staring at what was sitting on top of the clouds.
A mountain.
There was a mountain up there! FLOATING. I could clearly see no base beneath the clouds, but there on top of them? Snow covered peaks. As clear as day.
I blinked, rubbing my eyes, blinked again.
Still there.
I grinned. "Cool." 

-Inspiration from a hazy day with mountains peaking up over it. 

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Brain: I GOT IT!
Me: *been struggling with 'reasons' for 'events' in a fic.* Got what?
Brain: The missing piece! I know WHY 'this' happens! and HOW to get the scene to work!
Me: !!!!! HOW?!
Brain: You need to write a prequel oneshot of  'this' childhood memory! It will all make so much sense!
Me: …..
Brain: :D 

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

A Happy Home

I stared at him in askance. "What?"
He grinned back. "Yah, my wife isn't going to be happy about this."
I frowned, raising an eyebrow. "....Wouldn't you want your wife to be...happy? Why would you purposely antagonize her." 
He shrugged. "Because I want the reptile."
"But your wife--"
"Technically said yes." 
I exhaled. Sure she did. I turned away to grab the paperwork. "Your funeral" I muttered. 

-Inspiration from work conversation

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

There's a slight ache behind my right eye currently.
Earlier I had a tension headache behind both eyes, but a little bit of rest, advil and a larger meal helped it to go away.
Now though.
The slight headache is back. 
Perhaps I need more food or liquids....or maybe to take out my contacts....we'll see.

Monday, October 8, 2018

I was right.
The headache kept me up for most of the night.
It wasn't as bad as they've been.
But it was bad. 

Tense muscles making it difficult to relax.
Thoughts spinning in circles round and round. 

Heat packs, medicine, showers....I did it all. 

The headache faded a bit.
Thankfully before I had to go to work.

So I wasn't suffering throughout my shift at work.
At least not until the last hour. 
So yay. 

But yah.
It's left me rather drained the headache.
And its still bugging me this evening. 

Sunday, October 7, 2018

I ended up with a headache today.
Probably from the tension of trying to live tweet General Conference for four hours. 

It wasn't that bad during conference.
But as the evening progressed....
The tension in my muscles wouldn't fade.
And the ache behind my eyes just got worse. 

To the point where I was feeling sick.

So I'm going to bed early.
Hopefully the headache will go away.
But I'm not optimistic.
It's likely to be a headache that will keep me up all night.

….Guess we'll see. 

Saturday, October 6, 2018


I crouched down, fingers trembling as I touched the first petal in the bouquet. 
"Who?" I whispered, looking up, glancing around. Who had left these on my doorstep? And were they...were they really for me?
I smiled, picking up the vase, bringing the flowers closer to my face to inhale of their scent. "Ahh." 
It didn't really matter I suppose. I turned, heading back inside. The flowers were just what I needed for the day. 

-Inspiration from being given flowers. 

Friday, October 5, 2018

Sunset Musings

I leaned against the railing, breathing in the crisp autumn air, staring at the reddened skies as the setting sun briefly vanished behind a cloud.
"So this is Fall." I whisper, a small smile growing on my face.
Finally, after months of having to deal with heat and dryness.
I could finally feel at ease. 
Finally the cold was coming.
I looked forward to it.

-Inspiration from watching the sunset

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Sore muscles.
Pretty sure it's sore muscles.
Pain. Radiating up from my hip to the ribs to the shoulders, up the neck, into the head.
It's all just one aching problem right now.
Causing a major headache that just has me Not quite sick. But getting there. 
I need to get these muscles to relax.
Because getting a headache every afternoon this week is. not. fun. 

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

The trend of the week definitely seems to be getting headaches in the afternoon. *exhales*
I think this one is caused from working my muscles a bit too much yesterday so I was sorer today than normal.
-As bending and stretching and reaching to get decorations in your tank is rather....well my arm was sore today lol.

And it was the right side that ended up with the headache and the right side that did all the work.
So the headache is probably caused by those aching muscles. *exhales* 

At least taking out my contacts seems to have helped to release the strain. So I may have been too focused today as well...who knows. 

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Ended up with another headache this evening.
Possibly from doing too much and not getting enough sleep. 
But possibly from tension.'s behind my right eye and the right side of my face has been aching off and on because I'm apparently being paranoid about it and therefore it's making everything worse because I'm focused on it. 
Hopefully sleep is the trick to making this headache go away. 

Monday, October 1, 2018

I would be tempted to think the headache I got today was a delayed reaction to yesterday's Fast Sunday.
After all I usually get a headache on Fast Sundays and didn't. 

But no.
I'm pretty sure today's headache was caused from too much interaction at work.
As it was oddly busy for a Monday. 
The phones were constantly ringing, There was a constant stream of people needing help. Cashiers were constantly calling for backup. 
And of course the managers were needing me to be every which way. 

*shakes head*

So I wasn't surprised to end up with an aching headache behind my eyes this afternoon as my shift ended.
I knew I would get one once I clued into how tense and aching my shoulders and back were.

An early indication that I've been overextending my energy. Been helping too many people. Been trying to do too much. 

Thankfully. It's gone.
Some food, baja blast, and Tylenol seem to have done the trick. :) yay.