Sunday, November 29, 2020

Sooo I've had a headache or migraine practically everyday for the past week and a half. *exhales* 

Do I know why? No, not really. 

With how sore my shoulders have been, I do have to wonder if some of it is from tension. Whether because my muscles are staying tense besides constantly taking Excedrin or Tylenol to try and keep the headache at bay, or if it's because I'm finally getting my muscles to relax and that's causing headaches cus my body isn't used to it.

I don't quite think it's sleep related as I've been getting at least seven hours most of the time.

Possibly it's not eating enough 'real meals' or drinking enough liquids? 

I nearly thought I solved it when I switched to new contacts yesterday as I couldn't remember if I switched to a new pair of contacts at the beginning of the month or not. And I do know that if I've had my contacts too long I can be prone to more headaches...

Well it only seemed to work for Yesterday.

It could be relation to work stress. To family stress. To traveling stress. To peopleing stress since this past week has been a holiday week....

Who knows at this point.

Today's may have been caused by getting on the computer too early in the morning.


I really wish I could figure out the major trigger though. I was doing better earlier this year with keeping these headaches at bay. So to go to having one practically every day disappointing. 

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