Thursday, September 24, 2015

The Word -Bluestocking

They rode a while longer before Yorvet roughly pulled him to a halt. "Here is far enough, Kolt." He said dismounting, moving to his head, holding onto the bridle.
Kolt recoiled as Yorvet stroked his nose. "Now." His grip on the reigns tightened. "We'll see if I have a Bluestocking or an actual warrior at my hands." He snapped his fingers as a wave of heat passed through Kolt, like a series of biting insects. Kolt reared back in a panic. What now!?

Bluestocking - a woman having intellectual or literary interests.

Added Info - In mid-18th century England, a group of ladies decided to replace evenings of card playing and idle chatter with "conversation parties," inviting illustrious men of letters to discuss literary and intellectual topics with them. One regular guest was scholar-botanist Benjamin Stillingfleet. His hostesses were willing to overlook his cheap blue worsted stockings (which were usually disdained by the elite) in order to have the benefit of his lively conversation. Those who considered it inappropriate for women to aspire to learning derisively called the group the Blue Stocking Society. The women who were the original bluestockings rose above the attempted put-down and adopted the epithet as a name for members of their society.

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