Thursday, October 15, 2015

The Word -Prodigal

"What you had was fools gold compared to real gold, Kolt." Yorvet replied in a tone that could freeze blood. He let go of Kolt, letting him land on his feet, instead of shoving him back to the ground. That didn't mean Kolt didn't stumble, he'd been expecting to be thrown to the ground.
He turned back to Yorvet, lunette blade in hand. "It was my life!"
"And I'm going to offer you a better one." Yorvet replied. "And if you're lucky, and train well, perhaps I'll let you have your triumphant prodigal moment."
Kolt rolled his eyes, grip shifting on the handle of the blade. "The day you give me that is the day you die, Yorvet. If I'm lucky."
"Only if you're human when I kick the bucket, Kolt." He smirked. "Die as a horse and get used to pastures and saddles for the rest of your life."

Prodigal - 1: recklessly extravagant. 2: characterized by wasteful expenditure : lavish 3: yielding abundantly : luxuriant --oftened used with of.

Added Info -"Prodigal" shares the same root as a number of words, among them "active," "agenda," "exact," "chasten," 'react," and "transact." The root in question is agree, Latin for "to drive," "to lead," "to act," or "to do." "Prodigal" is from agree plus the prefix prod-, which means "forth." That combination rendered the Latin verb prodigere, meaning "to drive away" or "to squander," and the Latin adjective prodigus, from which we derived our adjective "prodigal." The past participle of agree is actus--thus agree is the parent of many words that contain "act."

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