Thursday, November 21, 2019

Unfortunately, I was right with the headache staying the night. *exhales*
It woke me up just before 3am.
So I ended up taking more meds and a long shower before attempting to go back to bed.
It didn't help.
So when my alarm finally went off...I felt horrible.
My head was aching and aching and aching.
So I took more meds, Advil this time, and grabbed my heat pack and went to work.

And was only able to function for like half an hour before I had to go to my manager and ask if I could use both my fifteens and take like a half hour nap in the breakroom to see if that would help me.

Manager said yes,
So I warmed up my heat pack I leave at work for that very reason and took a thirty minute nap.

That helped to finally break it and I was able to function at work much better after that.

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