Friday, July 31, 2020

Ended up with a major migraine today that spiked towards the end of work.

I'm pretty sure it was mostly having to deal with my coworker's energies.
As they were being...stressful.
And I can be sensitive to how other people are feeling.
And when everyone on the closing crew has intense energy for various can overwhelm my defenses.

Though it probably didn't help at all that I also had spent the last couple of days basically just reading a couple of stories that were rather intense and had me forgoing food and sleep in favor of seeing what happened next.

But it is interesting to note that the headache only began to form after the closing crew came in for the evening.

Despite my attempts to keep it at bay by taking Tylenol and Excedrin and using a heatpack/naps on my break...
The migraine was pounding merrily away behind my right eye by the time I was finally free to clock out for the evening.

Thankfully as soon as I was in my car and driving away from work, the intensity of the migraine faded to a more manageable level. Which does lead me to believe that work and my coworkers were stressing me out to a certain extent. 

I came home and grabbed more meds and a hot shower and then after warming up a heatpack went to my room and crashed for a few hours.

Woke up feeling better though the migraine is still present.
Hopefully a night of sleep will help it to fully fade.
But we'll see. 

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