Monday, December 16, 2013

The Moment


I paused a breath away from tearing out the prey's throat.

Don't, please.

I growled. We had an agreement. I could do whatever I wanted these three nights. And this, this was prey. And I was hungry.

And you can, anything you want, but please not this. I know this human. He's...part of my human pack. Please.

My tail lashed. I'd seen his pack. This human wasn't part of it.

He's new. Please, don't kill him. 

I snapped my teeth against the pale skin's throat grazing it, but not biting down.
If I don't find other prey tonight, packmate, you will regret it.

I know. But I'll regret this even more.

I laid my ears back. Fine. We'll 'talk' more after I eat.
I suddenly bit down on one of the pale skin's arms. He cried out, fighting, but my bite was strong. He couldn't escape me when I didn't want him to.
I dragged him through the snow to a hole in the ground I'd stumbled upon on my previous nights of hunting. With a jerk of my head, I threw the pale skin into the pitch blackness.
Now, I could hunt.
Throwing my head back into a howl, I dashed into the forest, seeking better tasting prey.

Catchya on the Flip Side.



  1. Holy crap, I cannot believe you made me wait all that time! Poor Jake! Please tell me that wasn't his bad arm...

    1. ...Uh...well, the good news is he can still use it right?
