Wednesday, December 18, 2013

A Wolf Conversation

He's still around. I thought catching the human's scent as I ran through the woods. I thought I'd have these two additional days and nights in peace to do whatever I wanted as per our agreement for me sparing the human's life.

Don't look to me for an answer, I have no idea why he hasn't returned to the others.

Is he looking for you?

I told him we wouldn't be around for a couple of days.

I snorted, Do all humans have problems listening to each other? Or just this one? Wolf packs would listen to each other.

He's more stubborn then most, but after last night, I thought he'd listen.

On a whim I took up his trial, following his scent though staying out of his sight. My ears flicked. He's a horrible tracker.


His trial is leading away from those humans you traveled with.

Figures. He's not a fan of camping.


Being out here in the woods.

Well, he wouldn't last long out here. Not with his injured forepaw. Totally easy prey.

It's a feint. Like that bird that acts injured to save her chicks. The arm is fine.  

I caught him last night.


So it's not much of a feint if I could kill him anyway. The mother bird would get away at least.

He's fooled the humans we live with it for most of his life. In his home territory he's survived.

I paused. Really?

Yes, he fooled me too at first. He's good at the act. Plus, we surprised him with that switch.

Which he took rather well, I replied.

He did have all night to think about it.

True. He has potential too.

Potential? For what?

To mind speak with us.

Catchya on the Flip Side!


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