Friday, January 3, 2014

Still Here, but Panicking

So, you've probably noticed I haven't been posting recently.
I admit it, I've been avoiding blogging.
Mostly, because I'm not sure what to say.

I mean. The city is three threads away from snapping into pure chaos.
Last I'd posted, Surge hadn't done anything.
But Ice, the dude certainly came out of the woodwork these past weeks.
Snow, Flames, Wood exploding, demon cows. He's gone crazy like a whirlwind!
It's all Steel can do to send heroes out fast enough to stop him!
Though, I'm not quite sure it's Surge. They're catching tons of bad guys.
But Surge is never present. It's like those guys are in the wrong spot at the wrong time.

What is he up to?

I can't stop thinking that his next plan involves me.
It's terrifying. The stress has gotten to me.
I mean, ice, he can control me! And there was no visible remote when he did it.

I don't know where to go. What to do.
Use my powers, not use my powers? Stay in the tower, leave the tower.

What if he's going to use me to hurt Steel? What if he's going to use me to hurt the city?
It's like I'm not safe anywhere.

What's the point of even getting powers if I feel like I'm checkmated everywhere I look?


--> Issac

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