Saturday, January 4, 2014

A Pep Talk?

"Well you've been moping a lot."
"Shut up Devoto"
"Nah, that's no fun." He plopped down next to me. "What's up, man? You finally get your powers and you've been acting like a mouse caught in a trap."
"An app description since I am in a trap." I replied, tugging at my collar for emphasis.
"So what?"
"So what what?" I snapped back. I know, a great response.
"You're acting like you've given up, Sac. You've let Surge win."
"I don't see how he hasn't! Look at me, the city, Steel!"
"Steel isn't sitting on a staircase feeling sorry for himself."
"Because he's Steel!"
"And you're, what, incapable of being awesome like he is?" 
He snorted. "Says the guy who knows more about Surge then everyone."
"But Steel."
"Maybe you know even more than Steel."
"Doubted, he's fought him longer."
"You managed to beat his crazy tower maze."
"By cutting through it. I cheated"
"Oh come on, Issac! If I had your powers I would have done the same thing! What is the point of having abilities if you don't use them? We'd still be stuck in that tower if it weren't for you. I knew you'd get us out."
Knew he'd get us...wait. That reminded me. One thing that been bugging me. I turned to Devoto. "How did you know my powers?" I demanded.
He blinked. I don't think that was the response he expected. "What do you mean?"
"When I fired at you, in the tower, you weren't surprised at it. You called me by name. How did you know I shot at you with the laser things? Why didn't you assume it was a device of Surges?"
Devoto shook his head with a smile. "I've known since I had to rescue you from the diving board, Sac."
That was about the same time he started working harder to get me to show my powers. "How?" I challenged.
He shrugged off his backpack and pulled out a piece of diving board. "Since I saw this." He handed it to me. I frowned, taking it from him. It looked like any other, wait.
"What's with the holes?" I asked. There were 10 of them, unevenly spaced and shaped along its edge.
"You left them there." Devoto replied. "This is the board you were hanging onto for dear life to when you thought I was trying to kill you with ice. Didn't you ever wonder how you managed to hang on?"
I had, but everything else had pushed it from my mind. Silently I placed my hands on the board, yes, the holes fit my fingers exactly. "Why didn't you tell me before now?" All this time. He'd known my powers all this time?
"Because you're stubborn, Sac. And I'm sure you wouldn't have believed me."
True. I wouldn't have.
"You hung on, when anyone else would have dropped. That's the sort of person you are Sac. Stubborn." He clapped my shoulder as he stood. "Give yourself some slack. Stop living in fear of what Surge might do. You'll just end up sitting there."


--> Issac


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