Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Unsneakily Sneaking Out

Ooohkay. It probably wasn't one of my brightest ideas to go sneak out after Steel.
I mean, who is Steel's enemy?
Who put a collar around my neck.
Who can control said collar?
Did I think about that? Nope. All I thought was "Oh hey! I see Steel sneaking out of the tower, I'll follow him!"
Remind me to do it again when I have more control over my powers okay? Okay. I mean, I totally hero worship Steel. Seriously, dude loses his powers and he's sneaking out of the tower to go fight Surge anyway? Ah man! It's like he's become the Batman of the city. Only without that cool utility belt.
But, if I go off randomly shooting my powers into the sky by accident, it's totally icing hard to pretend you weren't where you weren't supposed to be when the powers you have, none of the other supers have.

Did I mention that? None of the other heroes have laser powers?
Yah...well they don't.
I'll explain more next post. Those powers. I really should write that up,

in any icing case.

I followed Steel. Nearly fell off the tower and nearly broke a few bones, but I managed to catch myself.
Again, I need to practice my powers. It doesn't help to try and climb down the floors using my heated hands to make holes in the side if they suddenly stop working does it? It really doesn't. Note to icing self. Try and escape out a window that's a little closer to the ground.
-Oh and don't worry, the holes aren't there anymore. I can't have Surge sneaking up my escape path now can I? Yikes!

Where did I follow Steel to?
No idea, sneaky fellow. I ended up losing him about two blocks away. I suppose it's a benefit that he probably has a car stashed somewhere nearby he can just slip into traffic with.

No, he found me a couple of hours later. Because, well, as I mentioned before. My powers went off.

"Issac," he grabbed me by the shoulder from behind. "What are you doing out here? How did you get out of the tower?"
Do you know how hard it is to not look guilty when your idol catches you where you aren't supposed to be?
"Uhhh." Was my brilliant reply.
I certainly wasn't purposely sending a laser show up into the sky. The mosquitoes attacked me, I responded. And my powers responded to my response. Hello little light show. Again. Oops.
"I needed some fresh air." Came my feeble response once my brain kicked into gear.  
Well, what can I say, I didn't really expect Steel to find me while I was trying to find him. I wasn't about to tell him I was trying to follow him either. Something tells me he wouldn't take well to me thinking he needed some, well, powered back up while he has the bracelet around his wrist.
"And the top of the tower doesn't work because?"
"Devoto is there with his buddies all the time. I didn't fancy getting wet."
"Yet you're hanging around a fountain park?"
-cool park, has fountains everywhere, the unaware person easily gets wet amongst all the different water shows that can suddenly appear anywhere within the place. It's actually really cool. And new too. There used to be a school there until Surge destroyed it in one of his many battles with Steel. And yes, totally not the place I should be when I just told Steel I didn't want to get wet. Oops.

"I uh..well..." I actually looked at him. "Hey! You're injured." His shoulder was all torn and bleeding, plus he had a gash over his eyes. "You've been fighting Surge!"
He smiled. "Or I could have been robbed, but yes. It was Surge."
"Did you win? Are you okay? Where did it go down, why are you here! You need to see."
"Calm down, Issac." he cut me off. "I'm fine. It's a minor injury."
"It doesn't look minor."
"It's minor, but if we stick around here Surge will find the both of us, and I'd rather not go into another battle with him right now."
I gulped. "So he got away?" I did not want to run into him in the semi darkness.
"Doesn't he always?" came a rather tired response. "But his plot with some razor pages has been foiled."
"Razor pages?"
He lightly shoved me to get us walking back towards the tower. "He was planning to make a cyclone of death from flying books at the downtown Library.
"And you got injured....from paper cuts?" Now that we were walking under street lights I could see a ton of little cuts all over his arms and face.  
"So did he."
"And it doesn't phase either one of you." I muttered. "Did you throw him into the middle of it at least? Give him a taste of his own medicine?"
Steel laughed. "If I had my powers I probably could have, but no, he got injured when his machine exploded after I stalled it."
"Stalled it, with what?"
"A ruler." 


--> Issac

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