Wednesday, January 15, 2014

When The Unexpected Happens

Wait. Hold up. Mind speak?
I certainly wasn't going to stop.
What we're doing now, I replied. Honestly what did you think this was?
Well, duh. But I didn't think we could do it with anyone else.
You can't.
But you just said Jake could.
I snorted, circling around to get in front of the wayward human. He has potential. That doesn't mean all humans have potential.
Why do you think Jake has potential? He's not a...

No. I said shortly. Easy prey forbid that this human with the fake arm became like us. The half breeds never adjusted well to this sort of life style.

That's a relief, he wouldn't last long out here, but seriously, how is it possible we could talk to him?

Potentially. I corrected. There are some bonds between packs that are strong enough to be understood silently. 

That's packs.

Did you not tell me, this human was part of your human pack?


If your bond with him is strong enough, then he may be able to mind speak with you. It happens on occasion to those like us. Our sort, if we decide to trust the humans, can learn to mind speak with those who, as you would word it: 'get you.'  

Then how come we haven't encountered this before? I mean, we can't mind speak with my parents.

Do they get you?

There's your answer. I replied turning to wait for the human to catch up. If this burnt one could do so, now was as good a time as any other to test it out.

Test it out? How? He'll probably run from us at first sight.

Will he? I asked as I shoved my forepaws off the ground and allowed the fur to melt away from our body, replaced with the human skin. I'd yet to see a human run from another human after all. Especially one that was known to them.

Catchya on the Flip Side!


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