Wednesday, January 29, 2014

It was a good thing I ducked down, for Isabelle rushed into the kitchen like a whirlwind, clanging metal against metal, smacking wood, and ended up creating a lot of interesting smells. It was all I could do to keep still and out of sight. My belly felt like it was pressed against my spine, and the smells. I wanted them. I wanted something in me, to stuff my cheeks full of food, to finally have the energy to do more then rest on the heat.
Yet, I knew Isabelle, the source of high screams, and sometimes the scent of Fanged Death around her, wouldn't feed me. And that knowledge kept me back. She was no Maille. 
I heard how she talked to the other creatures while I rested in Maille's pocket. 
No, I would wait, and hope that Maille would stir from her nest soon before the scents surrounding me, drove me to do something that I would regret.

~Martin Elek  

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