Thursday, October 1, 2015

The Word - El Dorado

"If you ever expect to have your El Dorado moment, little Kolt." Yorvet said, kicking him for good measure. Kolton groaned, curling up. "You need a lot more training with that lunette knife." He pulled Kolton back up to his feet, holding him up by the collar. Kolton gritted his teeth, struggling to get out of Yorvet's grip. "I already had it!" He snarled. "You took it from me when you kidnapped me!"

El Dorado - 1: a place of great riches held by 16th century explorers to exist in South America 2: a place of great wealth or opportunity.

Added Info - In the early 1500s, Spanish conquistadores heard tales of an Amazonian king who regularly coated his body with gold dust, then plunged into a nearby lake to wash it off while being showered with gold and jewels thrown by his subjects. The Spaniards called the city ruled by this flamboyant monarch El Dorado, Spanish for "gilded one," and the story of the gold-covered king eventually grew into a legend of a whole country paved with gold. These days, "El Dorado" can also be used generically for any place of vast riches, abundance, or opportunity.

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