Monday, June 13, 2016

Fishy Fish Fish

It was the customers.
Usually Monday's aren't crazy busy.
You have a few people come in.
Maybe have a 15 minute lunch rush.
And that's about it.
Mondays tend to be rather slow.

But not today.

Just a bit after noon,
I had a rush of people.
All wanting to get fish.
And not just any fish.
But specific fish where I had to focus on the tank and catch the particular fish they're looking for.

And again.
and again.

For like 2 hours straight.

I didn't move from the fish wall at all.
It was fish, fish, fish, occasionally crickets, and more fish!

It ended up tensing me up.
I developed an ache behind my eyes.
From straining to see the fish,
from trying to catch said fish quickly so I could move onto the next customer.

And yah...the tension resulted in a headache. :( That will not go away.

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