Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Ended up with a slight headache throughout the day.

It started at work. The slightest tinge of one behind the right eye, due to tense muscles in the neck, but also wearing a new earpiece for our work radios....radios that have been on the fritz more than usual today. 
They were picking up a lot of interference. Crackling and Buzzing and Thumping. 

It was irritating. 
And was a problem that came and went as we tried to find out which radios were causing the issue. 

Thankfully some Excedrin helped to take the edge off of the headache so it never became a full blown issue. 

And it came back later in the evening...probably because I'd forgotten to eat. ^^;; lol. So I managed to make that one go away too. :D 

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