Tuesday, December 4, 2018

I ended up waking up with a major migraine this morning behind my left eye.

It wasn't really that surprising as I'd gone to bed rather exhausted last night from not being able to get in the type of nap I needed due to being social with others. 
And considering I worked a 10 hour shift yesterday....
On top of being sick.
On top of also dealing with peoples expectations and me feeling pressure to do/be things that I'm not normally....

It's not surprising that my muscles most likely tensed up during the night leaving me suffering this morning.

I did consider briefly, texting my managers and telling them I would be into work an hour later so I could sleep.

But no.
Stubborn me thought I would be fine once I got to work.

So I warmed up a heatpack, downed a couple of advil and went on my way.

….I ended up asking the manager if I could clock out like half an hour after showing up because I wasn't feeling good.
But I wasn't leaving.
No I'm stubborn like that.
I simply asked if I could clock out for like 30 minutes to an hour to go rest in the breakroom with my heatpack and just close my eyes to see if it helped. 

The manager gave the okay and I clocked out.
I ended up darting into the bathroom though because my stomach decided to be upset.

So that wasn't fun.
But resting in the breakroom was nice. I took some more meds and closed my eyes and it was...nice.

You know, until I tried to stand up....
And needed to dash to the bathroom again. *exhales*

But from experience, usually once my stomach finishes heaving, then I'm usually good to go and I recover more quickly.

I did feel better.
But the migraine didn't go away.
I ended up surviving off of sprite and crackers (that the managers had generously provided the day before) And once I had that settled....took more meds to try and get the  headache to go away.

It came and went through my shift.
Getting better.
Getting worse.

Thankfully I was off an hour earlier than normal.
So once I got home I was able to crash.

But the headache hasn't yet gone away. *exhales* 
It's still there.
Even after the nap, the shower, the heatpacks, real food, liquids,  PastTense, and...who knows what else. I've tried a lot of things. 

I can only hope that some sleep tonight will help it be vanquished.
Because I don't want to have to deal with it in the morning. 

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