Saturday, June 26, 2021

 I ended up with a slight headache at work today.

Part of it could be the fact that I stayed up until 3 am last night and slept until my alarm went off (with a small disturbance at like 8am for an Amber Alert) for me to go to work.

But I think it was mostly triggered because I ended up being the cashier on the register from 12-130 today because our official cashier ended up going home early today and we needed the coverage and I was the free body to help cover as our two stockers were needed to finish up the truck. 

And like being stuck on register isn't fun.

But it's even less fun when you have a constant stream of customers for that hour and a half.

Like the line never ended. Whenever I would get down to one person another customer would jump in line before I finished ringing up the transaction.

Which on the one side was great because it meant I wasn't going to be standing there bored waiting for someone to come check out.

On the other side it meant that I had to be 'on' for a full hour and a half. Which meant constant interaction. Constant chatter. I had to be social and couldn't just escape away from the register to go to a different corner of the store.


So yah, pretty sure that triggered my headache behind my right eye.

I took a couple of excedrin and a couple of breaks to try and make it go away but it's still lingering a bit. 

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