Saturday, November 30, 2013

Black Friday

Oh Man, I have to take a break from the conundrum Prince Charming and I were in to talk about my now least favorite event.

Black Friday.
In years past, I loved this 'holiday.'
The DEALS! Shopping! Come on! It's AWESOME!
I THRRRIIIVEEEE off the crowds, the energy, and yes the occasionally cat fights between me and the other competing girls.
-I've won some, and lost some-
It's just, exciting!

Not this year.
Because I had to WORK black Friday.
I had no time at all for shopping for myself.
And that's just depressing.

It doesn't help that it seems like all the 'mean impatient' people decided to come to the pet store today.
I mean come on, it's a PET STORE. Go ELSEWHERE for Black Friday.
Yet, for some odd reason, we had steady business from opening to close.

Even Harvey was surprised at how many people were waiting at the doors before we opened at 5 am.
-I had to be in at 3 to get the animals prepped. Talk about an unhappy Karen. No sleep and No shopping? Plus Cranky impatient customers? Yikes. They're lucky I didn't bloody a few of those stuck up noses.

Really, the only bright side to my day was that Hatch was right there helping me out.
Plus, he convinced Harvey to NOT open on Thanksgiving.
And now, Harvey is happy he didn't. Because today, apparently was the best 'Black Friday' he's ever had in sales.

And that meant a Happy Harvey, because he made money, he got to eat turkey at the table, and watch the football game that went into over time without having to dash out into the store to help customers.

But really, you should have been there to see Hatch when Harvey mentioned a Evening Thanksgiving opening.
I've never seen my easy-going Prince Charming soo worked up.
It was bewildering.
I mean, 'Black Friday' has included a 'Grey Thursday' for as long as I can remember.
Yet, he acted like it was a sin to spend the evening shopping and the morning eating turkey.

'Everyday is a shopping day, but why not set aside one or two and relax with family?' he argued. 'Everyone needs a break, you'll be more relaxed. And more shoppers will flock to your store in the morning.'

Oh so true.
And once Harvey agreed to do a Friday Only thing....
Hatch relaxed. And became my Prince Charming again.

Yes, he's definitely an oddball, but I must say the results for the store and in Harvey were night and day.
He may continue this trend next year.
I can't say I don't mind it.
It was nice to actually not go anywhere, not fight the evening shoppers, just spent time at home.
...with the step-fam...but Hatch's presence made it easier going. He's even having an effect on Tristen and Annemarie. I mean, they actually played a game together! We had a 'step-family' game night. Totally crazy. Everyone got into it. I was even I never expect with the Step-sibs about.


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