Sunday, November 17, 2013

The Second Day of the Campout

Okay, so last night didn't go too badly.
I was able to slip away when I needed to, and none noticed me.

Or so I thought.
"Where'd you go last night?" Jake asked me.

I frowned. "Go?" I had thought I'd remained undetected. I thought that Jake had actually turned in early. He hadn't been by the fire when I'd left.

"Yah." he kicked a stone as we walked. "I didn't hear you come into the tent last night."

"You must be a heavy sleeper then, I turned in with the others."

"You weren't with the others."

"How do you know. You weren't by the fire." I argued back. "I was with them, until we all went to bed." I wasn't but I couldn't get Jake suspicious. Even though he obviously already was.

"No, you weren't. I was there Danny, I saw you leave, you didn't come back. I didn't see you til this morning for breakfast."

I exhaled "You're too observant by half, Jake." I said under my breath. And I not observant enough, I hadn't seen him in the fire light.
"So where were you?"

I shook my head. "I can't tell you." I said, grimacing. This particular secret, I would reveal to no one.

"You can't tell me." He repeated evenly.


"Why not."

I shrugged, keeping my voice low. "Because."

"Because why?"

Were we really going to do this? "Just leave it alone Jake."

He frowned. And I could see him trying to guess what I was hiding from him, but on this I wasn't going to budge.

Now I definitely wished this trip was over already. I'd had enough to worry about before Jake told me he'd noticed my absence. Now the stakes were higher for tonight, where I'd have to 'disappear.' I'd definitely would need to check on where Jake was as well before I left. I could picture him following me all too well, and I couldn't afford to have him do so. Not if he wanted to remain uninjured.

Catchya on the Flip Side!


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