Saturday, November 16, 2013

The First Day of the Camp Out


I jumped.
Which for me is rather big, I don't get surprised easily, but today, today I'm on edge.

"Yah?" I called back to Jake.
I'd fallen behind on the hike up the mountain.

"Since when are you so jumpy?" he asked jogging back to me, "Out of all of us I thought you'd be miles ahead already."

I managed a smile. "You guys have been here before, this is my first trip, I'm enjoying the scenery."

He raised an eyebrow "Ah huh."

Why did I have to become friends with someone who was perceptive? I shrugged. "Really, I'm enjoying the scenery." I had to, I hadn't been able to fake being sick. Mostly because I never get sick. So I was on this campout, and I really just needed a way to survive it without having to explain to my dad that we'd have to move.

You think I'm being over dramatic, but I'm totally serious. I had to keep some secrets secret for a reason, and if the whole town figures it out...I'm in trouble. Deep. Deep, life on the line trouble.

I increased my speed to catch up with Jake. "Plus it doesn't help that I have no idea where I'm going." I had a good idea though, I mean it's simple to hike. Follow the markers, stay on the trail. A tomato could follow a trail. That didn't mean that the tomato would know where to stop for breaks, or for the night. I just hoped I'd be able to slip away unnoticed when the time came. It's easy to lose yourself in the mountains, and I was counting on it to keep my secret hidden from those hiking with Jake and I.

"Come on Danny, there's something bugging you."
I rolled my eyes, though he didn't see it, due to my sunglasses. "Alright, you caught me. I'm not used to hiking in a group. It's kinda weirding me out."
"I can understand that." Jake replied with a nod. "I'm not a fan of the group hike either." he made a face. "My mom wants me to like camping, but I really prefer the day hikes."
"Oh? What's there not to like about camping?"
It was Jake's turn to shrug uncomfortably. "I always end up sleeping in the wrong spot."
"Wrong spot?"
"Yah, on rocks, ants nest."
I laughed. "no."
"I was six." he replied defensively. "And that mountain of sand looked like a good pillow."
"Until you started getting bit."
He chuckled. "It took them a while to decide to attack me, but yes. I woke up the whole camp with my screams."
"Well, hopefully that doesn't happen this year."
He rolled his eyes. "I doubt that, something always happens to me."
"Hey, with me around, I can look out for you." I replied, jostling him as we went through a narrow part in the trail. As long as he didn't have 'something happen' to him when I slipped away.

Catchya on the Flip Side!


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