Monday, December 9, 2013

Back to Normal?

Steel doesn't have powers anymore. It feels so unreal. I mean, he seems as normal as ever, but he's not.
He has no powers.
That little bracelet around his wrist is like a neutralizer or something because he can't do anything. No flying. No super strength. Yet. He's alive. And as cheerful as ever. He doesn't act like he's not super. He's still super super, just without the powers. He's managed to keep everyone from panicking. And truly, that makes him great! He's still the leader. Even without powers, no one doubts his authority to lead.
He just can't, you know, go out and save the icing city from Surge.

You'd think that Surge would totally be taking advantage of knocking the last piece of the 'tower puzzle' out of the park with Steel now nearly as useless as the baby council upstairs.
Yet nobody's heard word of him. At. All. He's gone quiet. Super quiet. Creepily quiet. It's weird. I mean, I know Surge. There's usually some funny business going around, yet there isn't.

The city, is normal. Almost like my little town. Except, there are still 'bad guys' roaming around causing trouble and other heroes are going out to defeat them. Surge however is AWOL. Seriously, I would think he got stuck in his tower of terror, except I cut holes right through that place.

Maybe he's taking a victory lap around, well somewhere. Celebrating his defeat of Steel before he comes in to finish whatever his crazy plan is.
Because, honestly. If we haven't succeeded in taking my collar from around my neck, how do we expect Steel's bracelet to come off?

Speaking of my collar.
I'm not even sure I should be in The Tower.
I mean, Surge knew where I was.
Steel said he had a remote, but Surge had been able to hurt me just by touching my collar.
Could I even trust my own actions?
What if he'd been controlling me this whole time? How would I know? What if I was unwittingly moving along in line with Surge's plan?

Was I the next piece of Surge's puzzle?


--> Issac


  1. Probably a stupid question, but have you thought of looking for a techno-super to work on those collars?

  2. Oh, we've only gone through like six of them. No luck. Surge is really good, unfortunately.
