Sunday, November 29, 2015

The Word -Earwig

"The point, Kolt" Yorvet said sounding overly patient. "Is for you to not die before I can use you."
"A pointless, point then, since I told you I won't work for you." Kolt replied, throwing the knife to stick in the ground. "At this point, I'd rather be the horse."
"That can be arranged."
"Yah I know. You haven't done it yet. You insist on earwigging me to death instead."
"I'd rather earwig you into compliance."
"Not going to happen."
"Give it time."
"Not going to happen, Kolt repeated picking up the blade and examined it. Yes. Still undamaged. Unfortunately. Maybe if he could break it then Yorvet would let him go home.

Earwig -To annoy or attempt to influence by private talk

Added Info -Earwigs are small insects that were once thought to crawl into the ears of sleeping people. It wasn't accurate--earwigs prefer moist, dark places under leaves and rocks to human ears--but the superstition led people to name the insect earwicga, Old English for "ear insect." Over time, people connected the idea of having an insect in one's ear to situations that involve whispering or speaking privately into someone's ear. The noun "earwig" came to also mean "a whispering busybody" (though this sense is now considered archaic), and the verb "earwig" evolved to refer to the acts of such meddlers. In British English, the word is more commonly used to mean "eavesdrop," as in "earwigged on their conversation at the party."

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