Wednesday, September 19, 2018

I woke up with a headache this morning.
Which...I wasn't quite surprised to have happen.
As there was that tired ache behind my eyes last night when I went to bed. The tired 'my eyes have been open too long' sort of fuzzy head thing.

But still.
Today wasn't a good day to wake up with a headache.
Because we had our new DM coming into the store today.
Which meant that I really needed to be present today at work to help with opening and make sure the department looked nice and such.

Ugh. Seriously though I hate these kind of headaches. 
It's like....a car that has a light on on the dashboard only you don't know what the light signals. Is it more sleep? Is it tension? Is it more water? Who knows!

But it's like I'm just puttering along...trying to get through the day.
And when finally the headache starts to break up and go's like the brain kicks into gear. It 'wakes up' and becomes more active and it's just....weird...going from zombie to wide away. 

In any case.
Work itself was a semi struggle.
Thankfully the headache was the 'dull' variety.
So I wasn't feeling good and it ached.
But it wasn't skull splitting pain and wasn't making my stomach toss.
So woot for that.

It did it's usual rollercoaster sort of thing though.
Where the headache would get better, get worse, get better....

It usually got worse when I had to deal with customers or the vet or you know....customers. lol

But at least it was fading when I finally left work. 
And after a nap and's stayed pretty much gone.
Hopefully it won't come back for a while. But we'll see. 

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