Tuesday, May 26, 2020

I ended up with another migraine today behind my left eye.

I am wondering if not getting enough sleep is factoring into how often I get headaches/migraines.
Because like...I barely had any headaches while I was going into work later in the morning. Like 8am or so. 
Which even if I went to bed around midnight or so. I would get around 7 hours of sleep if not more if I went to bed earlier.

But as I've been shifting back into working earlier in the morning...I haven't been getting as much sleep because I've been struggling to go to bed before midnight despite my best intentions. 

So I do wonder if a lack of sleep triggers the headaches more often...
It will have to be something I test out the next few shifts. ...if I can get to bed earlier so I can sleep a little longer.

But I also think just having to deal with...customers also triggered it. Customers and coworkers.
They were being stress cases today. Coworkers were stressing out. 
Customers were just being...snippety. Difficult. Taking offense over things that we couldn't control. Like being 'shocked' that we didn't have a lot of crickets, goldfish, or other animals currently in stock. Like...we're being affected by the pandemic as well. Shipments are getting delayed. Being shorted. Being halved. Not coming.
We can't control things. 

And just getting annoyed at customers who were being difficult...tensed me out and gave me a headache.

Thankfully taking some excedrin and a nap helped the headache to go away after I got home. So yay! :D

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