Tuesday, May 12, 2020

I ended up with a headache behind my left eye today.
Which I took to mean that I would probably end up with a nuclear headache...though....I actually think *knock on wood* that I managed to make it go away? Which is kinda crazy because I was totally prepared for this particular headache to knock me out for the rest of the evening and into tomorrow morning.
But I'm actually feeling alright right now. So woot!

But yah....triggers....I'm guessing may be heat induced? And tension. Can't forget tension.
As I was expected to both open up and close down my department today due to how scheduling worked out and I'm expecting I'll have to do the same thing tomorrow XP booooo.

In any case. I'm pretty sure it was a) trying to get everything done quickly was a factor as it meant that I didn't get as much water into me as normal. And b) I think probably taking my lunch an hour later than I meant too probably also factored into it as I'm sure if I don't have enough calories/energy/whatever in my system then my body signals it's unhappiness by triggering a headache.
So yah lack of food and water. Then stress of trying to get all the opening done before I had to close the department.
And add into that that my work provided us masks today and I chose to wear it...and it got hot...as i probably wasn't getting a good enough airflow or was breathing shallowly in the first place because I was focused on trying to get everything done...probably contributed to the headache. 
Though the mask itself was rather comfortable and easy to breathe in.
It's just when you're trying to do everything at a mile a minute that...it's probably a good idea to not wear the mask.
Note to self. Tasking. Take the mask off because breathing is important.

But I figured this headache was gonna be a nuclear one because taking tylenol and then excedrin didn't help it go away while I was at work. 
And if the meds don't help it...and my last ditch efforts to drink more water and eat something in my shift wasn't helping it...

I figured i was doomed for the headache to get worse.
But when I got home I took another Excedrin, grabbed a Dr. Pepper to sip from, ate a piece of bread and went and chilled in my room for a bit to 'cool' down as I could still feel the heat coming off of me from being too hot (as it was hot outside today too weeee) but yah I laid down in a way to stretch out the tense muscles in my neck and then took a long hot shower to try and further relax the muscles.
And eating an actual dinner made by my roomie also probably helped too.

But yah.
Overall the headache is basically gone! Woot!
I still feel the faintest of faintest tinges of it but methinks I managed to actually head it off today! Woot!
Because I seriously need my a-game on tomorrow because we have the District Manager coming in and I want the store to look good for her. 

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