Tuesday, April 1, 2014

I flicked my ears, shaking my head. "Bad End Soon. Wish. Hope." I actually had no idea when this animal thing would end, but since we'd all become hamsters....it had to be sooner rather than later. "Go Burrows Soon. Hope. Pack here. Pack Soon Leave. Soon." I said actually managing to sound encouraging, even to myself.
"Know? How?"
"Think. Hope."
Billy nodded, using a paw to rub at his nose. "Hope. Never Lost. Hope Always. Alpha fine? Need Go. Beta Look Look Look Soon."
"Alpha Fine." I confirmed. "Go, See Soon." I winced. "Attack Small."
His ears laid back, nose twitching. "Attack None Wish. Beta Watch. Me Safe. Attack Small. Help Alpha Some. Food. Water. Some. Small Help."
"You Safe First." I said forcibly. "Attack Alpha, Small. Big. Fine. You Safe First. Alpha Good Lone Alpha. Fight, Fight, Pack Happy. Fix."
He shook his head. "Alpha."
"Go." I interrupted him. "Beta Look Look Soon. No Scent. You Here. We Talk. None. You Safe. You Safe."
"Help Small." He promised, looking uncomfortable to be leaving me, as he turned for a side tunnel.
"Help Small. See Soon." Though really, I hoped that I wouldn't run into any of them soon. Even Billy. The safety of my crew was my first priority. Billy had shown support, but I wouldn't let him help me if that meant he would get hurt too.

I forced myself to move, to get further away from Billy's scent. Who knew if we all had the same walnut smell or if our scents in the group varied slightly, but I wouldn't give John a reason to suspect that me and Billy had met up. He might already be suspicious. He knew that Billy and I were close. I would have to let him think that Billy had betrayed me as thoroughly as the rest of the crew. That meant, that I couldn't let Billy help...much. I would be able to do this. I had worked alone long before I'd teamed up with the others, I could do so again.


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