Monday, April 7, 2014

Our world shook violently as something hit the box from below."HEY! STOP THAT! Get AWAY from HIM!" Lisa's voice cried out. "I'll double your sentences if you don't!"
John gave me one more vicious bite to my back leg before he, his stooges and my crew scattered.

I could barely walk, but I forced myself to scatter with them, following some up into the higher reaches of the tunnel system. Lisa couldn't know. She couldn't find out. Stay unnoticed.

I collapsed as soon as everyone else was out of sight, hiding in one of the darker colored tunnels, shaking like a leaf in a wind storm. My feet. Oh my feet felt like they were on fire.

Silence came from below, I couldn't hear Lisa, or any of the others. They were probably busy cleaning themselves to hide any traces of blood so she wouldn't be able to tell who was involved.

I winced as her voice rang through my head. Busted.
~Are you okay?~
~I'm...I'm f-fine.~ I managed.
~You don't sound fine.~ She accused.
~What...can you expect? I just woke up.~
~Don't lie to me, Fishy Thief.~ She snapped. ~I know it was you in the middle of that! I recognized your markings. Come down where I can reach you.
~I told you I was fine!~ I snapped back, unable to stop myself from quivering. It had been bad. This time worse than others.
~If you don't come down here Now, I will tear this maze apart until I find you!~
~I'd love to see you try.~ I replied stubbornly. ~Leave it alone, Lisa.~ There were miles of tunnels here. She couldn't take the place apart and put it back together before the store opened.
~Henry~ she icily responded after a moment of silence. ~If you don't come down, I will be sure to convince my mom to quadruple every single one of your gang's sentence.~


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