Saturday, April 5, 2014

I knew it couldn't last forever.
They managed to trap me one night in one of the crossroad boxes, using the other hamsters to block off every possible escape route.
John and Sue, like usual were the first to mob me, using their smaller forms to dart around, tripping me up to allow Jess and Billy to get in and hold me down. Larry struck from all directions at once it seemed like, going for every reachable piece of skin, while the others focused on more specific locations. 
I fought back as best as I could, drawing blood on more than one occasion, though no where near the amount that they got from me.  I worked to stay quiet for as long as possible, to not squeak out in pain as that only seemed to encourage John to fight harder, but tonight they went for my paws.
"NO MORE RUN!" John yelled digging his teeth into the pads of my paw, nearly biting off one of my toes. 
"BAD ALPHA!" Sue screamed going for a back foot.
My squeaks of pain reached higher and higher pitches as Jess held down my head preventing me from being able to bite back. I struggled but with them holding my feed down, there wasn't much I could do.
"Stop! Sorry! No More! Please! Sorry! Stop!" I begged as my struggles weakened. "Bad Alpha. Bad. Stop! Fix! Please!" 
But they didn't listen. They never listened anymore. Please, the store had to be opening soon. I couldn't survive much longer. Please.


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