Wednesday, April 6, 2016

A New Place

"I need you to do something for me." I whispered, "We can't let him win."
"And we won't." He promised, grabbing hold of my hand, holding onto it tightly as I weakly squeezed it in return. His touch, like a life line I could hold onto. "You're going to recover, you'll be out of this hospital before you can say Abracadabra"
I chuckled, wincing at the pain in my side. "Abracadabra." I mumbled, closing my eyes. Gathering up the strength. In all seriousness, I was in serious condition. "If I make it through."
"When you make it through." He said. He always looked on the bright side.
"Then....I don't want to do it here."
"....Where would you want to recover?"
I stared into his beautiful brown eyes. "You remember that dream?"
He blinked. "Our dream?"
I managed a nod.
"The one before....all this?"
I nodded again.
He smirked. "Nope, totally forgotten it."
I chuckled. "If I weren't so weak I'd smack you."
He smiled, squeezing my hand. "I'll put in a raincheck for you."
His thumb rubbed the back of my hand. "You want to leave town?" He asked in a low tone. Glancing to the hospital door. "Start over?"
I nodded. "Yes."
He stayed quiet for too long. "You know....I can't go with you."
My heart fluttered, the monitor showing my spasm. I wanted him to come. Hoped he'd come, but I too knew he couldn't. "Not yet, but in the future."
"Maybe....I can't promise anything." He exhaled, leaning forward to brush my cheek. "You sure you want to disappear to there?"
His eyes softened, I thought I could see tears shimmering there. "Then I'll take you."

-Inspiration from watching Arrow Season 4 Episode 18

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