Friday, April 1, 2016

In the Middle of Misery

"I hope you love your continued misery, Ben" She sneered over the phone, I could basically hear her smile through her words.
The line went dead, before I could respond. I lowered the phone, placing it with a thunk onto the table with the remains of my latest dating fiasco still strewn about. The date had been going so well. But that was how they all started. Well.
And ended in disaster.
Because of one nightmare of a girl!
I should feel more angry. Angry that one bad relationship now caused millions of other bad relationships. Could I not catch a break from her? Could she not focus her drama on some other guy?
I slowly stood, slipping my phone in my pocket as I tossed a few bills onto the table. "Sorry for the mess." I told the waitress, who nodded sympathetically. "Happens all the time sir."
"Sad to hear that." I said, giving her a wave as I exited the establishment, pulling up the collar of my jacket against the cold wind. 
This had to stop. Becca had to stop. I didn't deserve to be miserable and alone my entire life, and neither did she. I chewed on my bottom lip as I trudged to the bus stop because, of course, my car had disappeared. Probably towed. Probably with Becca's 'help.' I had to get her distracted from me, so we could both move on. Get her to notice some other guy. But how in the world....I frowned, turning down a familiar corner. Perhaps....Perhaps maybe I knew a guy who could help me out....

-Inspiration from the song: Misery  

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