Saturday, April 2, 2016

Another Fight

I had left the trappings of being a noble behind long ago.
That didn't mean that I didn't occasionally miss my cushy life.
Servants coming to fulfill every beck and whim.
Money to buy whatever whenever I wanted.
The ability to boss people around without consequence.
A cushy life for sure.
One that I missed, whenever life got hard, whenever I had to pick myself back off the dirt.
But that didn't mean that I would ever go back to that life. To that child's dream.
Sure it was easy.
But it was boring.

I picked myself up from the cobblestones, wiping blood from my bottom lip as I straightened. I gave my opponent a cocky grin, knowing it would only antagonize him further. "What? Is that all you got?" I asked raising my fists. "Terrible."

-Inspiration while watching Legends of Tomorrow

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