Monday, January 11, 2021

 Been dealing with more headaches for the past threeish days...

And I was beginning to think it was my contact causing the constant ache behind my right eye and in my shoulder.

But no...I'm pretty sure I discovered the culprit.

A culprit I should have pinpointed earlier since I've pinpointed it as a culprit before.

But I hadn't really been thinking about it you know?

In any case. Today my migraine got rather bad at work. Bad enough to leave early.

And I came home originally planning to rest (which is hard to do when everyone suddenly decides to text you when you lay down to sleep)

When I decided to switch to a different bra as I had the thought cross my mind that maybe the current one was too tight in some way.

Go figure.

Pretty soon after switching to a different headache vanished. 


Gah. It would be nice if clothing wouldn't contribute to my headache woes. XP

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