Saturday, January 30, 2021

I actually didn't get woken up early via managers this morning because I had to actually wake up early to go to work. So no morning migraine greeted me this morning! Woot!

Unfortunately, a stupid yappy dog that came into the store today and barked for a good hour straight while it was in it's training class....triggered the muscles in my neck to grow tense as I am sensitive to sounds. Specifically repetitive sounds. repetitive loud sounds. 

I tried to head it off by taking a Tylenol, but unfortunately the damage was done and I ended up with a headache behind my right eye for the rest of my work shift and into the night. Which was unfortunate as i was having a movie night with friends and it made it difficult to fully enjoy the evening when there was this faint pounding constantly behind my right eye. But at least I was able to participate in the movie night. So woo for that. Hopefully getting some sleep will help the headache to finally go away. We'll see. 

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