Friday, March 14, 2014

Had I ever thought it would be easy to find my crew? Yes, a part of me had been that naïve. A part of me had expected my crew to be the only people who'd become hamsters. I mean, how many others would be stupid enough to rob from a pet store like I'd been?
A lot apparently. Only when I managed to get to the central tank for 'breakfast' did I actually see how many hamsters roamed the tunnel systems with me.
~How many people steal from your store?!~
Lisa looked up from placing food in the trough that ran along the full side of the central tank. She grinned ~More then you thought would, didn't you?~ She asked.
I jumped from one of the many tunnels that emptied into the central tank, pushing through the sea of bodies to go for my own portion of green looking cheerios, fruits, seeds, and veggies. ~Well, yah. How many hamsters are in here?~
~It varies from day to day. Anywhere between twenty and seventy I suppose.~
~And they've all stolen from this place?~ I couldn't believe it.
She winked at me when I looked up. ~Is it hard to believe that others see the same target you did?~
My ears laid back. ~Yes.~
She shrugged ~Alright, I admit you're the first to attempt as big of a job as you did. But there are a bunch of thieves willing to palm the smaller items.~
~Still, hamster stuff? What would they want those for, are they planning on feeding the park's squirrels?~
~Don't ask me why they take it,~ she replied, shutting the lid. ~You're the thief, not me.~
~Yah, and as one, it doesn't make sense why there would be so many thieves!~ I called after her.

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