Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The maze of tunnels I'd glimpsed at while I was a fish, truly were a maze. Up, down, back, forth, loop de loop, dead end. Lisa honestly had had too much time on her hands when she created this network to run around the entire store.
Of course, I didn't know for sure that she'd created it, but she knew it much better then I did.
Somehow or another she always knew where I was. And the constant check ups to see if I was alright, were getting on my nerves.
I hated being babied. I barely tolerated it from Billy, and that was only on certain occasions.
Just because I fell asleep for four days, didn't mean that there was anything wrong with me, but Lisa insisted upon checking in on me constantly.
This time though, I was refusing.
~Fishy Thief~
~I'm fine, Lisa, stop mothering me.~ I replied as I moved along the higher reaches of the tunnel system. How could I expect to find my crew if she insisted on calling me down every two minutes to make sure that I was alright? I could see her now, looking upwards anxiously, though her eyes hadn't yet found me.
~I'm not mothering--~
~Says the girl, who insists she watches everything I do. Come on Lisa. Even your mom says I'm fine.~ Madam Shan hadn't even come over to look at me since I woke up. Obviously that meant I was fine.
She glared up at the maze, her hands moving to her hips.
Well, it was true. I hadn't had a repeat experience of my marathon sleep cycle. Beyond being a hamster, I felt perfectly normal. ~I haven't slept longer then a normal hamster would sleep since then have I?~
~No..~ came her grudging reply.  
~Great, now that we have that agreement that I'm fine, you can get back to work, and I can wander around this maze until my sentence is up.~ I said, circling around behind her. This section lead to the actual hamsters in the store, didn't it? Two dead ends later told me I'd been wrong.
She huffed. ~Just be careful okay.~
I rolled my eyes ~Yes Mom.~ It wasn't like I had anything to worry about in here.


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