Monday, March 17, 2014


He exhaled, "Are you constantly going to harp on me about that?" He felt his way further back into the alcove as the wind shifted sending the hail into the entrance way. "How long is this storm going to last?"
"A while." I replied. "Possibly into tomorrow." I could leave him here, he wasn't dressed for the storm, but I could easily disappear.
He'd freeze if the temperature drops any lower. We need to find a way to keep him warm.
He should learn to wear an extra coat.
It was nearly 80 degrees earlier today, how would he have guessed that a storm was coming?
Again the signs were clear. There'd been signs all day.
Humans don't know them.
Obviously. How they managed to be so prevalent was beyond my comprehension. They knew so little about the weather, were so poorly protected.
We adapt, but again, how are we going to keep him warm?
I snorted. I wasn't about to curl up around him.
Well, it may be the only way, unless you know how to build a fire.
Did I look like I knew how to build one? It looked like you hit sticks together and flames appeared.
Or rocks, you nearly got the concept down.
Not enough to build something.
Well, why not ask him?
I shook my head, also moving back as the wind shoved the snow stones further in. If the human couldn't track well enough to find his way back to his own kind, what would give you the idea that he'd carry fire making tools?
I'm being optimistic.
"We'll need to get warm." I said to the human? "Do you have a way to build"
"I'll be fine." He replied, tersely.
So much for optimism.
He didn't say no.
He didn't say yes. "You won't be fine if it gets any colder. Do you have a way to build a fire? I do not." Why would I need to build one when I had my fur coat to stay warm?
"I don't. I don't need a fire." 
He's wearing shorts and a t-shirt, of course he needs a fire.
I cocked my head, watching the hunched figure. "Really?"
"We don't have anything to burn. Any wood would be wet."
I snorted.  Could he not smell the leaves that had blown in here? There was stuff to burn.
We just need something to cause a spark.

Catchya on the Flip Side!


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