Monday, April 23, 2018

A Quick Exit

The tension hit me like a wall as I entered the room and I had to wonder if the sisters could feel how the energy around them pulsed. Through their smiles, their smooth and kind words, I could feel the competition. The need for each of them to prove themselves the better the sister, the best, the most accomplished. 
I offered a smile as they glanced towards me, like Queens glaring at the commoner who dared stumble into their court. I didn't say a word, turning my focus on getting into my room to grab my power cord and getting back up the stairs as quickly as possible. I didn't need to be anywhere near that, nor did I have any desire to do anything about the tension filling the space. They would need to work it out themselves. I wasn't going to do it. I doubted they'd even listen if I tried. 

-Inspiration from roommate interacting with family. 

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