Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Little Stressors

It probably was triggered with worry related stress.
My headache.

As yesterday my manager told me that he and the stocking manager had switched shifts.
Meaning that instead of my manager helping me open up the department, it would be the stocking manager helping me. 
Which...I believe the stocking manager has had Petcare experience and such, but I don't know how much. 

And I wasn't really in the mood to train this manager on how to do things.
Especially because I knew with what I needed to get done today that I could finish all the opening tasks before I left on my shift.
And if the manager was there helping me...then things would get done really quick....and I'd be left twiddling my thumbs at work for 4 or 5 hours. 

Sooo to avoid that, I just told the Stocking Manager that I would be fine in handling the opening of the department by myself (as I've done that multiple times before) and that I would just expect him to be available if I needed back up.

Well....what the stocking manager had neglected to tell me when he'd informed me of this shift change...was that he would also be coming in an hour later than scheduled because he's over his hours and needs to cut them down. 

So the stress was triggered at that point. Because like...I spent an hour wondering if the manager was even going to show up and if he would be available to help cover me or if I would actually be fully alone today....

So there was that little thought worrying at the back of my mind.

Add onto that that I had an idea spark with a story...and my brain went into a frenzy trying to figure out a good plotline and motive and outline and scenes for said story....

Which overthinking can cause tension too.

Add to that that there was an upset customer who called about a dead bird...and I ended up getting worried that I was the one who unintentionally helped them buy a cage that was too big for the bird so it got stuck between the bars....

I just ended up with a headache behind my left eye...triggered by tension in the left shoulder/neck area.

Thankfully some Excedrin, sleep and a heat pack have helped it go away. ^^;;

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