Monday, April 2, 2018

Tick Tock

I ran my hand through my hair, giving the empty desk next to me a side glance before again checking the clock on the wall. 
She was late again my coworker.
I frowned, returning my attention back to the computer screen in front of me, my fingers racing over the keys as I deftly managed both her work and mine, hoping that I wouldn't have to keep it up for much longer today. I already had a headache pounding in my head. I didn't need to have to deal with her workload on top of mine. 
Again, my eyes drifted to her empty desk.
Honestly by now I shouldn't have been surprised.
In the beginning, when I'd been first hired, she'd always been on time. Showing up early even. Always at her desk, typing away when I walked in the doors.
But now? Now it was a surprise when she was on time. was beginning to grate.
I'd been late to work once, and the boss had called me in to the office to give me a warning.
But her? Never a word. Never a complaint from the boss.
How could she get away with it? How could she not have already been fired? I didn't get it. And it frustrated me. 
I pasted a smile on my face as she finally walked into the room, three hours later, uttering a breathless apology. 
"It's fine." I manage, rubbing my temples. At least she'd shown up today. 

-Inspiration from people watching

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