Saturday, May 7, 2016

If I Ever- Days Off

If I Ever become a manager of a place, in charge of scheduling everyone else for their shifts.
I think I would make a conscious effort to try and have everyone get a weekend off.
If I could manage it, maybe once a month.
If I couldn't, maybe every other month.

Because nobody likes to work every weekend.....
Yet some people have to....because that's how they're constantly scheduled.

I'd like to think I could give people what they wanted.
Like if they want to have 'two days off in a row' I could do that for them.
Give them two days away from work instead of one here and one there.

-True, some people like only having one day off before going back to work.

...but Basically if I was hiring people and getting their schedules.
I'd probably have them fill out a form. Asking about their preferences.
Like do they want two days off in a row every week.
How often would they want weekends off?
Would they be willing to work weekends?

And see if I could jimmy-rig it all so that everyone could get the type of schedule they wanted....and then a weekend off every now and then....

Yah once I got that down, maybe I could focus on the hours people wanted.....

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