Sunday, May 29, 2016

Ill-Dressed but Good-Hearted

I caught the door just before it would have shut, locking me out. With a gasp of relief I darted inside, right as the beginning notes of the ceremony rang out.
I took a seat, setting down my work bag. Conscious that I was ill-dressed compared to everyone else.
I hadn't had time to change, not if I wanted to make it inside.
The guys next to me shifted in their seats, trying to put as much distance between me and them as they could.
I kept my face blank, as I grabbed out the book from my bag, opening to the chant, and began singing as well.
At least I'd shown up, guys. I thought slightly irritated.
I knew that it wasn't the dress that mattered in the ceremony, even if it was frowned upon to come as I was.

Still, I couldn't help but feel that everyone was looking at me.
Judging me.

-Inspiration from roommate coming in to church late, in jeans as she'd just gotten off work and hadn't had time to change.

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