Wednesday, May 4, 2016

If I Ever -Texting

If I Ever become famous,

I think it would be fun to get a second 'burner' phone.
And give that number out to my fans.
So that they could text me whenever they wanted to.

Of course, this is if I become a famous author like I want to be.

So the fans would be texting me questions about the books, the characters, plots, future books.

Really, I think it would be fun just to interact with fans like that.

I mean, email and twitter and facebook may be better in the long run since I'm already on those all the time anyways....
But there's something more personal about being to text someone. (I would request no calls, because talking to people over the phone isn't my thing.)
But texting. That could be fun.

Of course, when my fame skyrockets and more and more people start texting me....
It may become impossible to be able to respond may end up being that that phone would never stop getting texts....

And all the texts wouldn't be good texts I suppose...some would be rather negative....

I'd be curious to find out what would happen if I gave out a text number to fans....when I become famous. :)

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