Saturday, May 28, 2016

Need More Food

I've decided,
That I hate working after 3pm.

I can only deal with customers for so long.
And after about 3pm.
My tolerance for social interaction takes a steep dive.

It's what happened today.
Things were going fine.
But then around 3:15.
When I still had like 45 mins left of work.

My energy levels just dive bombed.

For multiple reasons.
1) Worrying for a coworker who had to attend a family member's funeral today.
2) Worrying about displeasing a manager.
3) Having to deal with a bunch of customers that were both noisy and irritating.
4) The last time I'd had something to eat was at 11:30am. And it was just a small quick snack of some crackers basically. So by this point in time I was starving. So my stomach was growling like crazy and making me feel sick.

Which basically resulted in me needing to sit down, as I just felt myself go white.
Somehow I managed to survive until I got off work.
And ran to grab something to eat.

But the tension of the day....

Resulted in a headache.

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